Research interests

DNA isolation from Hymenoptera insects, application of PCR methods, electrophoresis, comparison, and analysis of gene sequences. Evaluation of the variability of the genes encoding the sting venom proteins, the rate of evolution and the determination of the relationship with the adaptive potential of the respective species. Phylogeny reconstruction of Hymenoptera insects using “traditional” molecular markers that undergo neutral evolution and new molecular markers undergoing direct selection.

Annotation of the dissertation

The aim of this dissertation:
• On the basis of new empirical data to verify the hypothesis that genetic variability and their relative evolutionary rate positively associated with taxa’s adaptation potential;
• Identify the morphology, ecology and behavioral traits associated with adaptability to anthropogenic environment.

• Compare poison’s enzyme’s genes orthologous sequences of phylogenetically close wasp species preying on phylogenetically distant prey, and phylogenetically distant wasp species preying on phylogenetically close prey to assess their relative evolution rate and evolution rate dependence on prey selection.
• Compare orthologous gene sequences variability, the relative speed of the evolution of bees and wasps in those species that do not easily adapts and in those that easily adapt; evaluate selected genes sequences variability in connection to the kinds of an adaptation potential;
• Identify which of the types of morphology, ecology and behavior traits could be related to the ability of the species to adapt to anthropogenic environment.
