Balčiauskas, L., Balčiauskienė, L. 2025. Tracking the morphological trends in Apodemus flavicollis: Evidence from a five-decade study. Life, 15 (2): art. no. 322.
Balčiauskas, L., Csanády, A., Stanko, M., Timm, U., Balčiauskienė, L. 2025. Morphological variation in the striped field mouse across three countries. Animals, 15 (3): art. no. 452.
Balčiauskas, L., Balčiauskienė, L. 2024. Sexual body size dimorphism in small mammals: A case study from Lithuania. Biology, 13 (12): art. no. 1032.
Balčiauskas, L., Balčiauskienė, L. 2024. The long-term dynamics of shrew communities: Is there a downward trend? Life, 14 (1): art. no. 1393.
Balčiauskas, L., Balčiauskienė, L. 2024. Striped field mouse invading human-modified environments of Lithuania during last five decades. Land, 13 (10): art. no. 1555.
Balčiauskas, L., Jasiulionis, M., Stirkė, V., Balčiauskienė, L. 2024. Temporal changes in bank vole populations indicate species decline. Diversity, 16 (9): art. no. 546.
Balčiauskas, L., Balčiauskienė, L. 2024. Association between outlying values in body condition indices in small mammals and their habitats. Land, 13 (8): art. no, 1271.
Balčiauskas, L., Balčiauskienė, L. 2024. Habitat and body condition of small mammals in a country at mid-latitude. Land, 13 (8): art. no, 1214.
Balčiauskas, L., Balčiauskienė, L. 2024. Extreme body condition index values in small mammals. Life, 14 (8): art. no. 1028.
Balčiauskas, L., Balčiauskienė, L. 2024. Insight into body condition variability in small mammals. Animals, 14 (11): art. no. 1686.
Balčiauskas, L., Kučas, A., Balčiauskienė, L. 2024. Trends and characteristics of human casualties in wildlife-vehicle accidents in Lithuania, 2002-2022. Animals, 14 (10): art. no. 1452.
Balčiauskas, L., Kučas, A., Balčiauskienė, L. 2024. Roadkill patterns on workdays, weekends and long weekends: anticipating the implications of a four-day work week. Diversity, 16 (2): art. no. 84.
Prakas, P., Butkauskas, D., Balčiauskienė, L., Balčiauskas, L. 2024. Low genetic variability of the tundra vole in Lithuania. Animals, 14 (2): art. no. 270.
Balčiauskas, L., Balčiauskienė, L. 2023. Long-term stability of harvest mouse population. Diversity, 15 (10): art. no. 1102.
Balčiauskas, L., Kučas, A., Balčiauskienė, L. 2023. Mammal roadkills in Lithuanian urban areas: a 15-year study. Animals, 13 (20): art. no. 3272.
Balčiauskas, L., Stratford, J., Kučas, A., Balčiauskienė, L. 2023. Lockdown’s silver lining? Different levels of roadkill during the COVID-19 times in Lithuania. Animals, 13 (18): art. no. 2918.
Balčiauskas, L., Kučas, A., Balčiauskienė, L. 2023. The impact of roadkill on cervid populations in Lithuania. Forests, 14 (6): art. no. 1224.
Balčiauskas, L., Stirkė, V., Garbaras, A., Balčiauskienė, L. 2023. Shrews under-represented in fruit farms and homesteads. Animals, 13 (6): art. no. 1028.
Balčiauskas, L., Stirkė, V., Balčiauskienė, L. 2023. Abundance and population structure of small rodents in fruit and berry farms. Life, 13 (2): art. no. 375.
Balčiauskas, L., Garbaras, A., Stirkė, V., Skipitytė, R., Balčiauskienė, L. 2023. Isotopic space of the house mouse in the gradient of anthropogenic habitats. Diversity, 15 (2): art. no. 173.
Jasiulionis, M., Balčiauskas, L., Balčiauskienė, L. 2023. Size matters: Diversity and abundance of small mammal community varies with the size of Great Cormorant colony. Diversity, 15 (2): art. no. 220.
Balčiauskas, L., Balčiauskienė, L. 2022. Small mammal diversity changes in a Baltic country, 1975-2021: A review. Life, 12 (11): art. no. 1887.
Prakas, P., Butkauskas, D., Vaišvilienė, J., Balčiauskienė, L., Balčiauskas, L. 2022. The Spatial pattern of the two genetic lineages of the field vole in Lithuania. Diversity, 14 (10): art. no. 820.
Jeske, K., Schulz, J., Tekemen, D., Balčiauskas, L., Balčiauskienė, L., Hiltbrunner, M., Drewes, S., Mayer-Scholl, A., Heckel, G., Ulrich, R.G. 2022. Cocirculation of Leptospira spp. and multiple orthohantaviruses in rodents, Lithuania, Northern Europe. Transboundary and Emerging Diseases, 69 (5): E3196–E3201.
Balčiauskas, L., Stirkė, V., Garbaras, A., Skipitytė, R., Balčiauskienė, L. 2022. Stable isotope analysis supports omnivory in bank voles in apple orchards. Agriculture, 12 (9): art. no. 1308.
Stirkė, V., Balčiauskas, L., Balčiauskienė, L. (2022) Spatiotemporal variation of small mammal communities in commercial orchards across the small country. Agriculture, 12 (5): art. no. 632.
Balčiauskas, L., Stratford, J., Kučas, A., Balčiauskienė, L. (2022) Factors affecting roadkills of semi-aquatic mammals. Biology-Basel, 11 (5): art. no. 748.
Balčiauskas, L., Ežerinskis, Ž., Stirkė, V., Balčiauskienė, L., Garbaras, A., Remeikis, V. (2022) The elemental composition of small mammals in a commercial orchard-meadow system. Chemosphere, 296: art. no. 134048.
Balčiauskas, L., Stirkė, V., Balčiauskienė, L. (2022) Rodent fertility in commercial orchards in relation to body mass and body condition. Agriculture Ecosystems & Environment, 329: art. no. 107886.
Balčiauskas, L., Balčiauskienė, L. (2022) Long-term changes in a small mammal community in a temperate zone meadow subject to seasonal floods and habitat transformation. Integrative Zoology, 17 (3): 443–455.
Balčiauskas, L., Balčiauskienė, L., Litvaitis, J.A., Tijušas, E. (2021) Adaptive monitoring: using citizen scientists to track wolf populations when winter-track counts become unreliable. Wildlife Research, 48 (1): 76–85.
Stirkė, V., Balčiauskas, L., Balčiauskienė, L. (2021) Common vole as a focal small mammal species in orchards of the Northern Zone. Diversity-Basel, 13 (3): art. no. 134.
Balčiauskas, L., Skipitytė, R., Garbaras, A., Stirkė, V., Balčiauskienė, L., Remeikis, V. (2021) Stable isotopes reveal the dominant species to have the widest trophic niche of three syntopic Microtus voles. Animals, 11 (6): art. no. 1814.
Balčiauskas, L., Skipitytė, R., Garbaras, A., Stirkė, V., Balčiauskienė, L., Remeikis, V. (2021) Isotopic niche of syntopic granivores in commercial orchards and meadows. Animals, 11 (8): art. no. 2375.
Balčiauskas, L., Balčiauskienė, L., Garbaras, A., Stirkė, V. (2021) Diversity and diet differences of small mammals in commensal habitats. Diversity, 13 (8): art. no. 346.
Balčiauskas, L., Stratford, J., Balčiauskienė, L., Kučas, A. (2021) Roadkills as a method to monitor Raccoon dog populations. Animals, 11 (11): art. no. 3147.
Drewes, S., Jeske, K., Strakova, P., Balčiauskas, L., Ryll, R., Balčiauskienė, L., Kohlhause, D., Schnidrig, G.A., Hiltbrunner, M., Spakova, A., Insodaitė, R., Burneikienė, R.P., Heckel, G., Ulrich, R.G. (2021) Identification of a novel hantavirus strain in the root vole (Microtus oeconomus) in Lithuania, Eastern Europe. Infection Genetics and Evolution, 90: art. no. 104520.
Balčiauskas, L., Amshokova, A., Balčiauskienė, L., Benedek, A.M., Cichocki, J., Csanady, A., De Mendonca, P.G., Nistreanu, V. (2020) Geographical clines in the size of the herb field mouse (Apodemus uralensis). Integrative Zoology, 15 (1): 55–68.
Balčiauskas, L., Ambarli, H., Balčiauskienė, L., Bagrade, G., Kazlauskas, M., Ozolins, J., Zlatanova, D., Zunna, A. (2020) Love off, fear on? Brown bear acceptance by teenagers in European countries with differing population statuses. Sustainability, 12 (6): art. no. 2397.
Balčiauskas, L., Balčiauskienė L. (2020) On the doorstep, rodents in homesteads and kitchen gardens. Animals, 10 (5): art. no. 856.
Balčiauskas, L., Wierzchowski, J., Kučas, A., Balčiauskienė, L. (2020) Habitat suitability based models for ungulate roadkill prognosis. Animals, 10 (8): art. no. 1345.
Balčiauskas, L., Kawata, Y., Balčiauskienė, L. (2020) Moose management strategies under changing legal and institutional frameworks. Sustainability, 12 (20): art. no. 8482.
Balčiauskas, L., Stratford, J., Balčiauskienė, L., Kučas, A. (2020) Importance of professional roadkill data in assessing diversity of mammal roadkills. Transportation Research Part D-Transport and Environment, 87: art. no. 102493.
Balčiauskas, L., Balčiauskienė, L., Litvaitis, J.A., Tijušas, E. (2020) Citizen scientists showed a four-fold increase of Lynx numbers in Lithuania. Sustainability, 12 (22): art. no. 9777.
Balčiauskas, L., Skipitytė, R., Balčiauskienė, L., Jasiulionis, M. (2019) Resource partitioning confirmed by isotopic signatures allows small mammals to share seasonally flooded meadows. Ecology and Evolution. 9 (9): 5479-5489.
Balčiauskas, L., Balčiauskienė, L., Stirkė, V. (2019) Mow the grass at the mouse’s peril: diversity of small Mammals in commercial fruit farms. Animals. 9 (6): art. no. 334.
Balčiauskienė, L., Balčiauskas, L., Timm, U. (2018) Changes in size of Baltic field voles over the last 50 years: are they really shrinking? Biologia. 73 (3): 247-257.
Balčiauskas, L., Skipitytė, R., Jasiulionis, M., Balčiauskienė, L., Remeikis, V. (2018) Immediate increase in isotopic enrichment in small mammals following the expansion of a great cormorant colony. Biogeosciences. 15 (2): 3883-3891.
Balčiauskas, L., Balčiauskienė, L., Juškaitis, R. (2018) Body size and craniometry of the herb field mouse from Lithuania in the context of species range. Biologia. 73 (4): 351-359.
Jasiulionis, M., Balčiauskas, L., Balčiauskienė, L., Taraškevičius, R. (2018) Accumulation of chemical elements in yellow-necked mice under a colony of great cormorants. Chemosphere. 213: 156-163.
Strakova, P., Jagdmann, S., Balčiauskas, L., Balčiauskienė, L., Drewes, S., Ulrich, R.G. (2017) Puumala Virus in Bank Voles, Lithuania. Emerging Infectious Diseases. 23 (1): 158-160.
Balčiauskas, L., Kazlauskas, M., Balčiauskienė, L. (2017) European bison: changes in species acceptance following plans for translocation. European Journal of Wildlife Research. 63 (1): art. no. 4.
Balčiauskas, L., Čepukienė, A., Balčiauskienė, L. (2017) Small mammal community response to early meadow – forest succession. Forest Ecosystems. 4 (1): art. no. 11.
Balčiauskas L., Balčiauskienė L., Timm U. (2016) Mediterranean water shrew (Neomys anomalus): range expansion northward. Turkish Journal of Zoology. 40 (1): 103-111.
Balčiauskas L., Skipitytė R., Jasiulionis M., Trakimas G., Balčiauskienė L., Remeikis V. (2016) The impact of Great Cormorants on biogenic pollution of land ecosystems: Stable isotope signatures in small mammals. Science of the Total Environment. 565: 376-383.
Balčiauskienė L., Balčiauskas L. (2016) Pelvis of the striped field mouse Apodemus agrarius (Pallas, 1771): sexual dimorphism and relation to body weight. North-Western Journal of Zoology. 12 (1): 50-57.
Balčiauskienė L., Balčiauskas L., Jasiulionis M. (2015) Skull variability of mice and voles inhabiting the territory of a great cormorant colony. Biologia. 70 (10): 1406-1414.
Balčiauskas L., Balčiauskienė L., Jasiulionis M. (2015) Mammals under a colony of great cormorants: population structure and body condition of yellow-necked mice. Turkish Journal of Zoology. 39 (5): 941-948.
Buś, M. M., Żmihorski, M., Romanowski, J., Balčiauskienė, L., Cichocki, J., Balčiauskas, L. (2014) High efficiency protocol of DNA extraction from Micromys minutus mandibles from owl pellets : a tool for molecular research of cryptic mammal species. Acta Theriologica. 59 (1): 99-109.
Balčiauskas, L., Balčiauskienė, L. (2014) Selective predation on common voles by Tawny Owls and Long-eared Owls in winter and spring. Turkish Journal of Zoology. 38 (2): 242-249.
Balčiauskienė, L., Jasiulionis, M., Balčiauskas, L. (2014) Loss of diversity in a small mammal community in a habitat influenced by a colony of great cormorants. Acta Zoologica Bulgarica. 66 (2): 229-234.
Balčiauskas, L., Balčiauskienė, L., Timm, U. (2014) Bergmann’s rule for Neomys fodiens in the middle of the distribution range. Central European Journal of Biology. 9 (12): 1147-1154.
Balčiauskas L., Balčiauskienė L. (2014) Selection by size of the yellow-necked mice (Apodemus flavicollis) by breeding Tawny Owl (Strix aluco). North-Western Journal of Zoology. 10 (2): 273-279.
Balčiauskas, L., Balčiauskienė, L. (2012) Mediterranean water shrew, Neomys anomalus Cabrera, 1907-a new mammal species for Lithuania. North-Western journal of zoology. 8(2): 367–369.
Balčiauskas, L., Balčiauskienė, L., Janonytė, A. (2012) The Influence of spring floods on small mammal communities in the Nemunas River Delta, Lithuania. Biologia. 67 (6): 1220–1229.
Balčiauskas, L., Balčiauskienė, L., Janonytė, A. (2012) Reproduction of the root vole (Microtus oeconomus) at the edge of its distribution range. Turkish journal of zoology. 36 (5): 668–675.
Balčiauskas, L., Balčiauskienė, L., Alejūnas, P. (2011) Northern birch mouse (Sicista betulina) in Lithuania, findings in the diet of Tawny owl (Strix aluco). Acta zoologica Academiae Scientiarum Hungaricae. 57 (3): 277–289.
Balčiauskas, L., Balčiauskienė, L. (2011) Estimation of Root Vole body mass using bone measurements from prey remains. North-Western journal of zoology. 7 (1): 143-147.
Balčiauskas, L., Balčiauskienė, L., Baltrūnaitė, L. (2010) Root vole, Microtus oeconomus, in Lithuania: changes in distribution range. Folia zoologica. 59 (4): 267–277.