Resolution No GTC-MT-3/15e of 1 April 2022
Meeting of Scientific Council of Nature Research Centre



1. The regulations of the Early Career Researchers Committee of Nature Research Centre (hereinafter, the “Regulations”) regulate the composition, aims, objectives, activities, work organisation procedures, rights and duties of the Early Career Researchers Committee of Nature Research Centre (hereinafter, the NRC”).
2. The Early Career Researchers Committee (hereinafter, the “Committee”) is NRC’s internal division operating without remuneration and following in its activities NRC’s Articles of Association, Government Resolutions, and laws and other legal regulations of the Republic of Lithuania.
3. A doctoral student, a postdoc, or NRC’s researcher who has been conferred Doctor’s degree before no more than 15 years may become an early career researcher (hereinafter, the “ECR”).
4. The Committee shall be responsible for its activities by submitting an annual report to the meeting of NRC’s Scientific Council.


5. The aim of the Committee is to pursue regular educational and systematic informational activities promoting research collaboration, high-level scientific research, improvement of working conditions and involvement of ECRs into NRC’s life and further development.
6.The Committee’s objectives:
6.1. to consult ECRs on high-level scientific research issues,
6.2. to help NRC develop international collaboration,
6.3. to organise public dissemination of research results,
6.4. to promote ECRs integration into NRC’s research activities, seeking to maintain the continuity of scientific research and the environment favourable for conducting research, experimental and creative activities,
6.5. to develop interdisciplinary collaboration of ECRs within NRC, with Lithuanian and foreign higher education institutions, and with research and business organisations,
6.6. to develop involvement of ECRs into NRC’s activities and seek that ECRs’ opinion and interests are taken into account when considering proposals related to scientific activities, laboratory work, property rights over results of intellectual activity, and other issues, and
6.7. to promote the strengthening of the culture of scientific integrity and fairness and assurance of equality and emotional welfare.
7. To implement the objectives assigned, the Committee shall perform the following activities:
7.1. collaborate with non-governmental organisations, educational institutions, state and municipal institutions, foundations, business representatives and natural persons for the implementation of social, ecological, cultural, sport, charity and other programmes,
7.2. organise ECRs discussions and seminars related to NRC’s research activities and improvement of skills,
7.3. initiate good practice sharing and mentorship projects for NRC’s employees,
7.4. organise inter-laboratory and inter-institutional visits, open days and short-term training courses for ECRs,
7.5. submit to NRC’s administration and Scientific Council proposals improving ECRs situation and work in this research institution,
7.6. organise educational and scientific-creative competitions and events, and
7.7. collaborate with Lithuanian and foreign scientific institutions and participate in activities of other organisations.


8. The composition and the chairperson of the Committee (hereinafter, the “Chairperson”) shall be elected during the meeting of the Committee. The Committee is vested with authority to act for and on behalf of NRC’s ECRs.
9. The Committee shall consist of at least 7 members from three NRC’s core units (Institute of Botany, Institute of Ecology, and Institute of Geology and Geography).
10. Voting shall take place for each candidate to the Committee. Candidates who get a majority vote shall become members of the Committee. If candidates receive an equal number of votes, a repeated voting shall be announced.
11. A member of the Committee may be removed from the Committee by voting if such member fails to follow the Regulations of the Committee or is involved in public activities contrary to NRC’s aims or Articles of Association.
12. A member of the Committee may resign from the Committee upon written application to the Chairperson.
13. The Committee and the Chairperson shall be elected for a term of 2 years.
14. The activities of the Committee shall be headed by the Chairperson.
15. The Chairperson shall be responsible for the planning, organisation, coordination and control of Committee’s activities and, together with other Committee members, shall be responsible for the implementation of the objectives delegated and activities assigned to the Committee.
16. The Chairperson shall be elected at the first meeting of the Committee by a majority vote when at least 2/3 of Committee members participate in the meeting.
17. If the Chairperson cannot temporarily hold office, the Committee shall approve a candidate proposed by the Chairperson to serve as a Chairperson on a temporary basis.
18. NRC’s employees satisfying the definition of the ECR and having filed a written application to participate in election shall be eligible for the position of the Chairperson or the member of the Committee.
19. Committee meetings shall be convened in case of need however no rarer than twice per calendar year. The first meeting shall be convened by the NRC’s initiative group for establishment of the ECR Committee, while later meetings shall be organised by the Committee.
20. Committee meetings may be initiated by the Chairperson or two Committee members. Meetings may be organised virtually (using electronic means of communication) unless at least one Committee member objects thereto.
21. Committee members shall be notified of the date, time and agenda of the meeting via e-mail no later than 3 weeks before the date of the meeting. Notice of the meeting shall be announced on NRC’s website and other information dissemination means.
22. Committee meetings shall be open. At the request of the Chairperson or at least one member, a closed meeting of the Committee may be arranged.
23. A meeting shall be deemed valid if attended by more than half of Committee members. 24. The Chairperson shall preside over the meeting, and the secretary appointed by the Committee shall keep records of the meeting.
25. Resolutions at the meetings shall be adopted by a majority vote of Committee members present at the meeting.
26. Committee resolutions shall be documented on the minutes of the meeting. The minutes shall be signed by the Chairperson (in his/her absence – by a Committee member chairing the meeting) and the secretary of the meeting. The secretary of the meeting shall be elected out of Committee members during the meeting.
27. The minutes of Committee meetings and related material shall be stored according to the NRC’s index of document retention terms.


28. Rights of NRC’ s ECR Committee members:
28.1. Each NRC’s employee satisfying the definition of the ECR shall have the right to elect and be elected a Committee member and the Chairperson.
28.2. Committee members shall have the right to publicise information about Committee’s activities.
28.3. Committee members have to take active part in Committee’s activities by arranging seminars and discussions, proposing different initiatives related to Committee’s activities, and expressing opinion concerning scientific activities, studies, working environment and other issues.
29. Duties of Committee members:
29.1. to follow these Regulations.
29.2. to participate in the meetings of the Committee.


30. Resolutions regarding amendment of the Regulations, reorganisation and termination of activities shall be adopted by a majority vote of Committee members during the meeting of the Committee and approved at NRC’s Scientific Council.


31. The procedural issues of Committee’s activities may be supplemented, eliminated or amended by a simple majority vote of Committee members participating in the meeting.
32. Any dispute arisen shall be resolved following these Regulations, NRC’s Articles of Association and the procedures established by the legal regulations of the Republic of Lithuania.
