Books and journals

Grishanov, G., Švažas, S. 

The Nemunas River delta – the key site for migratory wildfowl populations. Vilnius: Akstis, 2013. 96 p. (rusų kalba).


Viksne, J., Švažas, S., Czajkowski, A., Mischenko, A., Kozulin, A., Kuresoo, A., Serebryakov, V., Janaus, M.

Atlas of Duck Populations in Eastern Europe. Vilnius: Akstis, 2010. 188 p.


Švažas, S. (red.). 

Nemuno deltos regioninis parkas. Vilnius: Akstis, 2009. 72 p.


Švažas, S., Viksne, J., Kuresoo, A., Kozulin, A. 

The Garganey Anas querquedula and Shoveler Anas clypeata in the Baltic States and Belarus. Vilnius: OMPO Vilnius, 2003. 90 p.


Švažas, S., Kozulin, A., Grishanov, G., Rašomavičius, V., Raudonikis, L., Baichorov, V., Skuratovich, A., Balčiauskas, L, Grishanov, D. 

Important transboundary Belarusian-Lithuanian and Lithuanian – Russian Wetlands. Vilnius: VUEI & OMPO Vilnius Publishers, 2003. 96 p.


Švažas, S., Kozulin, A. 

Waterbirds of large fishponds of Belarus and Lithuania. Vilnius: OMPO Vilnius & Institute of Ecology, 2002. 127 p.


Švažas, S., Mongin, E., Grishanov, G., Kuresoo, A., Meissner, W. 

Snipes of the Eastern Baltic region and Belarus. Vilnius: OMPO Vilnius, 2002 . 95 p.


Bolshakov, C., Žalakevičius, M., Švažas, S. 

Nocturnal migration of thrushes in the Eastern Baltic region. A monograph. Vilnius: VUEI & OMPO Vilnius Publishers, 2002. 117 p.


Švažas, S., Meissner, W., Serebryakov, V., Kozulin, A., Grishanov.

Changes of wintering sites of waterfowl in Central and Eastern Europe.Vilnius: OMPO Vilnius & Institute of Ecology, 2001. 152 p.


Švažas, S., Drobelis, E., Balčiauskas, L., Raudonikis, L. 

Important wetlands in Lithuania. Vilnius: OMPO Vilnius, 1999. 192 p.
