
  • 2025 m.

    Gedminienė, L., Spiridonov, A., Stančikaitė, M., Skuratovič, Ž., Vaikutienė, G., Daumantas, L., Salonen, J.S. 2025. Temporal and spatial climate changes in the mid-Baltic region in the Late Glacial and the Holocene: Pollen-based reconstructions. Catena, 252: art. no. 108851.

  • 2024 m.

    Balakauskas, L., Gedminienė, L., Skuratovič, Ž., Lalaitė, R., Vaikutienė, G. 2024. Environmental changes in SW Lithuania during 8720-7990 cal yr BP: analysis of Lake Amalvas sediments. Baltica, 37 (2): 180–190.

  • 2024 m.

    Valūnas, D., Mažeika, J., Pukienė, R., Stančikaitė, M., Skuratovič, Ž. 2024. Inter- and intra-annual carbon isotope fluctuations in Pinus Sylvestris l. Tree rings whole wood and cellulose in north-eastern Lithuania. Geochronometria, 51 (1): art. no. 192785.

  • 2024 m.

    Romanenko, V., Mažeika, J., Lujanienė, G., Jefanova, O., Ezhova, E., Skuratovič, Ž., Šemčuk, S. 2024. The study of radionuclide activities in the sediments of deep areas of Skagerrak and Southern Baltic. Journal of Radiation Research and Applied Sciences, 17 (4): art. no. 101114.

  • 2023 m.

    Satkūnas, J., Girininkas, A., Rimkus, T., Daugnora, L., Grigienė, A., Stančikaitė, M., Slah, G., Skuratovič, Ž., Uogintas, D., Žulkus, V. 2023. New 14C data of megafaunal remains from Lithuania – implications for the palaeoenvironmental interpretation of the Middle Weichselian. Geological Quarterly, 67 (1): art. no. 3.

  • 2022 m.

    Skuratovič, Ž., Mažeika, J., Jefanova, O., Petrošius, R. 2022. Soil water and stable isotopes in the unsaturated zone profile – field observations and analysis. Baltica, 35 (2): 156–168.

  • 2022 m.

    Mažeika, J., Jefanova, O., Petrošius, R., Lujanienė, G., Skuratovič, Ž. 2022. C-14 and other radionuclides in the environment in the border region of Lithuania before the start of the Belarusian nuclear power plant operation. Radiocarbon, 64 (6): 1309–1322.

  • 2022 m.

    Stančikaitė, M., Zernitskaya, V., Kluczynska, G., Valūnas, D., Gedminienė, L., Uogintas, D., Skuratovič, Ž., Vlasov, B., Gastevičienė, N., Ežerinskis, Ž., Šapolaitė, J., Šeirienė, V. 2022. The Lateglacial and Early Holocene vegetation dynamics: New multi-proxy data from the central Belarus. Quaternary International, 630: 121–136.

  • 2021 m.

    Damušytė, A., Stančikaitė, M., Girininkas, A., Rimkus, T., Daugnora, L., Skuratovič, Ž., Uogintas, D., Valūnas, D., Vaikutienė, G., Žulkus, V. (2021) New insight into the palaeoenvironmental dynamics as a background of the human history in the Nemunas River delta region, W Lithuania, throughout the Lateglacial and Early Holocene. Baltica, 34 (2): 216–245.

  • 2020 m.

    Jefanova, O., Mažeika, J., Petrošius, R., Skuratovič, Ž., Paškauskas, R., Martma, T., Liblik, T., Ezhova, E. (2020) Baltic Sea water tritium and stable isotopes in 2016-2017*. Isotopes in Environmental and Health Studies, 56 (2): 193–204.

  • 2020 m.

    Jefanova, O., Baužienė, I., Lujanienė, G., Švedienė, J, Raudonienė, V., Bridžiuvienė, D., Paškevičius, A., Levinskaitė, L., Žvirgždas, J., Petrošius, R., Skuratovič, Z., Mažeika, J. (2020) Initiation of radioecological monitoring of forest soils and plants at the Lithuanian border region before the start of the Belarusian nuclear power plant operation. Environmental Monitoring and Assessment, 192 (10): art. no. 666.

  • 2019 m.

    Stančikaitė, M., Gedminienė, L., Edvardsson, J., Stoffel, M., Corona, C., Gryguc, G., Uogintas, D., Zinkutė, R., Skuratovič, Ž., Taraškevičius, R. (2019) Holocene vegetation and hydroclimatic dynamics in SE Lithuania – Implications from a multi-proxy study of the Cepkeliai bog. Quaternary International. 501: 219-239.

  • 2019 m.

    Gedminienė, L., Šiliauskas, L., Skuratovič, Z., Taraškevičius, R., Zinkutė, R., Kazbaris, M., Ežerinskis, Ž., Šapolaitė, J., Gastevičienė, N., Šeirienė, V., Stančikaitė, M. (2019) The Lateglacial-Early Holocene dynamics of the sedimentation environment based on the multi-proxy abiotic study of Lieporiai palaeolake, Northern Lithuania. Baltica. 32 (1): 63-77.

  • 2019 m.

    Stančikaitė, M., Simniškytė, A., Skuratovič, Ž., Gedminienė, L., Kazakauskas, V., Uogintas, D. (2019) Reconstruction of the mid-to Late-Holocene history of vegetation and land-use in Petresiunai, north-east Lithuania: Implications from palaeobotanical and archaeological data. Quaternary International. 516: 5-20.

  • 2019 m.

    Edvardsson, J., Baužienė, I., Lamentowicz, M., Šimanauskienė, R., Tamkevičiūtė, M., Taminskas, J., Linkevičienė, R., Skuratovič, Ž., Corona, C., Stoffel, M. (2019) A multi-proxy reconstruction of moisture dynamics in a peatland ecosystem: A case study from Cepkeliai, Lithuania. Ecological Indicators. 106: art. no. 105484.

  • 2018 m.

    Jefanova, O., Mažeika, J., Petrošius, R., Skuratovič, Ž. (2018) The distribution of tritium in aquatic environments, Lithuania. Journal of Environmental Radioactivity. 188: 11-17.

  • 2016 m.

    Skuratovič Ž., Mažeika J., Petrošius R., Martma T. (2016) Investigations of the unsaturated zone at two radioactive waste disposal sites in Lithuania. Isotopes in Environmental and Health Studies. 52 (4/5): 544-552.

  • 2013 m.

    Baužienė, I., Mažeika, J., Skuratovič, Ž. (2013) Fallout Cs-137 and natural K-40 as tracers of topsoil development during slope processes – a case study from the Daugai environs, Southern Lithuania. Geochronometria. 40 (2): 126–133.

  • 2013 m.

    Vaitkevičienė, V., Mažeika, J., Skuratovič, Ž., Motiejūnas, S., Vaidotas, A., Oryšaka, A., Ovčinikov, S. (2013) 14C in radioactive waste for decommissioning of the Ignalina Nuclear Power Plant. Radiocarbon. 55 (2-3): 783–790.

  • 2013 m.

    Mažeika, J., Martma, T., Petrošius, R., Jakimavičiūtė-Maselienė, V., Skuratovič, Ž. (2013) Radiocarbon and other environmental isotopes in the groundwater of the sites for a planned new nuclear power plant in Lithuania. Radiocarbon. 55 (2-3): 951–962.

  • 2013 m.

    Gryguc, G., Kisielienė, D., Stančikaitė, M., Šeirienė, V., Skuratovič, Ž., Vaitkevičius, V., Gaidamavičius, A. (2013) Holocene sediment record from Briaunis palaeolake, Eastern Lithuania : history of sedimentary environment and vegetation dynamics. Baltica. 26 (2): 121-136.

  • 2012 m.

    Piličiauskas, G., Mažeika, J., Gaidamavičius, A., Vaikutienė, G., Bitinas, A., Skuratovič, Ž., Stančikaitė, M. (2012) New archaeological, paleoenvironmental, and 14C data from the Šventoji Neolithic Sites, NW Lithuania. Radiocarbon. 54 (3–4): 1017–1031.
