Dr. Brigita Čapukoitienė





We have lost our colleague Brigita Čapukoitienė, PhD in Biomedical Sciences, researcher at the Laboratory of Ecotoxicology.

Dr. Brigita Čapukoitienė obtained Bachelor’s degree in Biology in 2002, and Master’s degree in Genetics in 2004 from Vilnius University.

In 2005-2009, she studied for a PhD at the Nature Research Centre and in 2011 defended her doctoral thesis “The expression of Saccharomyces cerevisiae K2 preprotoxin gene in plant Nicotiana tabacum L. and the search of toxins producing microorganisms and analysis of their use”.

In 2004–2012, she worked at the Laboratory of Genetics of the Institute of Botany of Nature Research Centre.

In 2017–2021, she worked at the Laboratory of Geotoxicology of the Institute of Ecology of Nature Research Centre.

In 2021–2024, she worked at the Laboratory of Ecotoxicology of Nature Research Centre.

Dr. B. Čapukoitienė’s research interests: genetic toxicology, ecotoxicology, genetic engineering, killer yeast research.

She co-authored peer-reviewed scientific papers with colleagues, supervised the final theses of university students and participated in various research projects.

Brigita will be remembered by her colleagues as an enthusiastic, positive personality, full of love for life and respect for every person.

Farewell to Dr. Brigita Čapukoitienė on Monday (26 August, from 16:00 to 21:00) and Tuesday (27 August, from 9:00 to 12:00) at the Vilnius Funeral Home at Sietyno St. 14, Vilnius. The funeral will take place on the second farewell day at Liepynė cemetery.
