Lithuanian researchers’ research on climate dynamics and Holocene changes presented at the International Conference on Quaternary Stratigraphy and Terrestrial Carbonates in Italy

On 28-29 September, Tuscany, Italy, hosted the conference of the Section on European Quaternary Stratigraphy (SEQS) of the International Union of Quaternary Research (INQUA) “Quaternary stratigraphy and terrestrial carbonates: climate, tectonic and humans driven landscape changes”, where the results of the CLIMTS project were presented by scientists Vaida Šeirienė and Neringa Gastevičienė from the NRC Laboratory of Quaternary Research: oral presentation by V. Šeirienė, N. Gastevičienė, M. Stančikaitė “Late glacial and early Holocene climate dynamics based on biostratigraphical data from Lithuania” and poster presentation by N. Gastevičienė “Holocene environmental changes in southern Lithuania based on data from Chironomidae and Cladocera”.

The field seminar participants discussed the formation of terrestrial carbonate rocks and Quaternary stratigraphy and visited important geological sections. During the conference, contacts were established with scientists from different countries and the possibilities of a new joint project in the Section of European Quaternary Stratigraphy were discussed.
