Nature Research Centre issued a book attractive both to biologists and to everyone interested in fungi

The Nature Research Centre has issued a book that will be attractive not only to biologists but also to everyone interested in fungi. The book contains the lists of macrofungus and lichen species registered in Lithuania, which will be useful for checking what fungi we have in the country. We have not so few – 608 species of aphyllophoroid fungi, 1463 species of agaricoid and boletoid fungi, 577 species of discomycetes, and 775 species of lichens and related fungi, recorded in over a 200-year history of fungal research in Lithuania. The book contains two interesting articles by our colleague from the Institute of Lithuanian Literature and Folklore, Vita Džekčioriūtė, on folk names of mushrooms and on ethnomycology in Lithuania. The readers will be able to get familiar with the science of ethnomycology and to learn why, for example, people in different parts of Lithuania use different names for the same kind of mushrooms. The preparation and publication of the book was financed by the Research Council of Lithuania from the funds of the Lithuanian Studies and Dissemination Programme (project “Forgotten Diversity in Lithuania: Fungi and Lichens – from Cultural Concept to Data Systems (ETNOMIKO)”).

The book is available  here:

Vita Džekčioriūtė, Reda Iršėnaitė, Jonas Kasparavičius, Ernestas Kutorga, Jurga Motiejūnaitė, Rūta Urbonaitė. Lietuvos makroskopinių grybų ir kerpių sąvadas: taksonai ir mikonimai  – Vilnius : Gamtos tyrimų centras, 2024. 196 p.
