Head of Laboratory, Chief Researcher
Dr. Sigita Jurkonienė
Position Head of Laboratory, Chief Researcher
Department Laboratory of Plant Physiology
Room 429
Contacts +370 5 272 9047, sigita.jurkoniene@gamtc.lt
Dr. Virgilija Gavelienė
Position Senior Researcher
Department Laboratory of Plant Physiology
Room 404
Contacts +370 5 272 9839, virgilija.gaveliene@gamtc.lt
Dr. Jurga Jankauskienė
Position Senior Researcher
Department Laboratory of Plant Physiology
Room 402
Contacts +370 5 272 9839, jurga.jankauskiene@gamtc.lt
Dr. Liudmyla Kozeko
Position Senior Researcher
Department Laboratory of Plant Physiology
Room 402
Contacts +370 5 272 9839, liudmyla.kozeko@gamtc.lt
Dr. Vaidevutis Šveikauskas
Position Senior Researcher
Department Laboratory of Plant Physiology
Room 417
Dr. Elžbieta Jankovska-Bortkevič
Position Senior Researcher
Department Laboratory of Plant Physiology
Room 417
Contacts +370 5 272 9839, elzbieta.jankovska@gamtc.lt
Dr. Rima Mockevičiūtė
Position Senior Researcher
Department Laboratory of Plant Physiology
Room 403
Contacts +370 5 272 9839, rima.mockeviciute@gamtc.lt
Nijolė Bareikienė
Position Engineer
Department Laboratory of Plant Physiology
Room 429
Contacts +370 5 272 9047, nijole.bareikiene@gamtc.lt
Dominykas Laibakojis
Position Senior Laboratory Assistant
Department Laboratory of Plant Physiology
Room 403
Contacts +370 5 272 9839, dominykas.laibakojis@gamtc.lt
Dr. Tautvydas Žalnierius
Position Researcher
Department Laboratory of Plant Physiology
Room 403
Contacts +370 5 272 9047, tautvydas.zalnierius@gamtc.lt
Božena Ignotienė
Position Biologist
Department Laboratory of Plant Physiology
Room 402
Contacts +370 5 272 9839, bozena.socik@gamtc.lt
Mariam Zareyan
Position PhD Student, Senior Laboratory Assistant
Department Laboratory of Plant Physiology
Room 418
Contacts +370 5 272 9047, mariam.zareyan@gamtc.lt
Benas Mikalauskis
Position Senior Laboratory Assistant
Department Laboratory of Plant Physiology
Room 403
Contacts +370 5 272 9839, benas.mikalauskis@gamtc.lt