Head of Laboratory, Senior Researcher
Dr. Daiva Burokienė
Position Head of Laboratory, Senior Researcher
Department Laboratory of Plant Pathology
Room 433
Contacts +370 5 269 7291, +370 666 86 429, daiva.burokiene@gamtc.lt
Dr. Vaidotas Lygis
Position Chief Researcher
Department Laboratory of Plant Pathology
Room 435
Contacts +370 5 272 9838, vaidotas.lygis@gamtc.lt
Dr. Algirdas Ivanauskas
Position Senior Researcher
Department Laboratory of Plant Pathology
Room 421
Contacts +370 5 272 9838, algirdas.ivanauskas@gamtc.lt
Dr. Deividas Valiūnas
Position Senior Researcher
Department Laboratory of Plant Pathology
Room 421
Contacts +370 5 272 9838, deividas.valiunas@gamtc.lt
Dr. Goda Mizerienė
Position Researcher
Department Laboratory of Plant Pathology
Room 421
Contacts +370 5 272 9838, goda.mizeriene@gamtc.lt
Dr. Marija Žižytė-Eidetienė
Position Researcher
Department Laboratory of Plant Pathology
Room 421
Contacts +370 5 272 9838, marija.zizyte@gamtc.lt
Ieva Sokė
Position Biologist
Department Laboratory of Plant Pathology
Room 434
Contacts +370 5 272 9838, ieva.soke@gamtc.lt
Dr. Dovilė Čepukoit
Position Researcher
Department Laboratory of Plant Pathology
Room 434
Contacts +370 5 272 9838, dovile.cepukoit@gamtc.lt
Martynas Dėlkus
Position PhD Student
Department Laboratory of Plant Pathology
Room 421
Contacts +370 5 272 9838, martynas.delkus@gamtc.lt
Gerda Kymantienė
Position PhD Student
Department Laboratory of Plant Pathology
Room 434
Contacts gerda.kymantiene@gamtc.lt
Simona Jaseliūnaitė
Position Biologist
Department Laboratory of Plant Pathology
Room 434
Contacts +370 5 272 9838, simona.jaseliunaite@gamtc.lt
Yuliia Lysak
Position PhD Student, Junior Researcher
Department Laboratory of Plant Pathology
Room 421
Contacts +370 5 272 9838