Save The Baltic Sea closing event

The Save The Baltic Sea closing event will take place at Litexpo Exhibition Centre on 6 December.

All are invited to visit the stands of the Nature Research Centre’s Laboratory of Algology and Microbial Ecology and Laboratory of Ecotoxicology.

  • Education by NRC Laboratory of Algology and Microbial Ecology

All are invited to learn more about eutrophication and one of its most prominent consequences – algae bloom, the problems and risks it poses, and how the excess biomass of algae and cyanobacteria generated by this process could be sustainably used to create valuable bioproducts. There will be a possibility to learn about algae and cyanobacteria found in Lithuanian water bodies, examine them under a microscope, and see bio-products made from algal and cyanobacteria biomass..

  • Education by NRC Laboratory of Ecotoxicology

You will have the opportunity to learn about the Baltic Sea fish and molluscs health indices, which are used to assess the impact of pollution on organisms. In a mini-lab, you will be able to use a microscope to observe the blood/haemolymph cells of fish and molluscs and to identify fish age from otoliths and scales. You will also learn about fish tagging methods used for monitoring, about research carried out at the Laboratory of Ecotoxicology, as well as enjoy the underwater world of the Baltic Sea and participate in discussions on the impact of dumped chemical weapons and sunken ships on the biota of the Baltic Sea and the importance and integration of biological monitoring into the chemical monitoring of the Baltic Sea.
