• 2009 m.

    Valiunas D., Jomantiene R., Davis R. E., 2009: Establishment of a new phytoplasma subgroup, 16SrI-Q, to accomodate a previously undescribed phytoplasma found in diseased cherry in Lithuania. – Journal of Plant Pathology, 91(1): 71-75. ISSN: 1125-4653. IF 0,974. Q3.

  • 2007 m.

    Valiūnas D., Jomantienė R., Davis R. E. 2007: Phytoplasmas detected in cultivated fruit plants in Lithuania. – Bulletin of Insectology, 60 (2): 139-140. ISSN 1721-8861. IF 0,381. Q4.
