Seminar-discussion on a topical issue “Is the Neris River Navigable: challenges and opportunities”

On 20 March, a seminar-discussion on the topical issue of public interest “Is the Neris River navigable: challenges and opportunities?” took place at the Lithuanian Academy of Sciences (LAS). Academician Zenonas Dabkevičius, Vice President of the LAS, welcomed the participants. Academician Arvydas Povilaitis, Chair of LAS Water Council, introduced and moderated the event. Dr. Gintaras Valiuškevičius, professor of the Department of Hydrology and Climatology at Vilnius University, delivered a presentation “Hydrological conditions of the Neris River and the possibilities of navigation on the river: essential aspects of (in)compatibility” and  emphasised the unreasonableness of dredging works at the Neris riverbed in the planned scope. Dr. Tomas Virbickas, Senior Researcher at the Laboratory of Fish Ecology of Nature Research Centre, gave a detailed presentation “Effects of riverbed adaptation for navigation on lithophilic fish“. An assessment of the condition of Europe’s major rivers highlighted the uniqueness of the to-be-dredged stretch of the Neris in terms of fish communities, protected and recoverable fish species and the need to preserve habitats the destruction of which would lead to biodiversity degradation. Dr. Laurynas Jukna, Associate Professor at Vilnius University, Head of the Bachelor’s Degree Programme in Geography, gave a presentation “The issue of the conservation of the Neris River in the context of the country’s national values and commitments to the EU: a geographical landscape approach” and highlighted the dangers that will not be avoided when the Inland Waterways Authority is selfishly intending to implement the project of deepening the riverbed, which threatens the survival of the Neris Regional Park and the habitats of European ecological network Natura 2000. Dr. Justas Dainys spoke on behalf of NRC scientists and expressed critical views on the plans to adapt the Neris riverbed for shipping, while academician Prof. Dr Albertas Bitinas accentuated the challenges associated with the dredging of the riverbed. All the scientists who took part in the discussion were unanimous in the opinion that the dredging of the Neris should not be carried out.

Photos by LAS photographer Virginijos Valuckienė
