Sinkevičienė, Zofija, Bagušinskaitė, Agnė, Jukonienė, Ilona. 2024. Overview of the vegetation on disused peat extraction sites of the Šepeta peatland. Šepeta. History of the lost mire: 153–164. Vilnius.
The paper presents data on the vegetation emerging in the disused peat mining fields in the southeastern part of the Šepeta peatland. Two disused peat mining fields covering the area of the former slope pine forests and flarks were route-surveyed following the countour lines of the vegetable plots visible in orthophotos. Species diversity of the vegetation cover in various habitats (open and semi-open, herbaceous, tree-covered, aquatic and riparian) is characterized.
The human-induced habitat diversity in the disused Šepeta peatland fields creates favorable conditions for the spread of not only typical bog plant species (Eriophorum vaginatum, Polytrichum strictum) but also of those from the surrounding areas (Equisetum pratense, E. palustre, Calamagrostis epigejos, Juncus effusus), birch trees (Betula pubescens, B. pendula and their hybrids) as well as synantropic (Plantago major, Potentiila anserina), nitrophylous (Aegopodium podagraria, Anthriscus sylvestris, Chaerophyllum aromaticum, Chenopodium album), alien (Erigeron annuus, Erucastrum gallicum, Potentilla norvegica) and invasive (Campylopus introflexus) ones. In Lithuania, Huperzia appressa, which was discovered in the studied area during this survey, was reported only from peatlands until now.
Key words: alien species, Campylopus introflexus, Huperzia appressa, invasive species, nitrophilous species, stages of overgrowth
Language: Lithuanian; Abstract – English
Nature Research Centre