Since 2016, the Lithuanian Language Commission Awards have been given for significant work in the development of Lithuanian terminology, promotion of scientific language and linguistic education of society.
This year, the sculpture Sraigė (Eng. Snail) and a diploma will be awarded to Dr Gintautas Vaitonis, a scientist at the Nature Research Centre, for his significant contribution to the development and maintenance of Lithuanian terminology in the field of natural sciences (zoology).
The laureates will be honoured at the Lithuanian Language Days event at the Hall of the Academy of Sciences on 18 February. The event is organised by the State Lithuanian Language Commission and the Lithuanian Academy of Sciences.
Dr Gintautas Vaitonis is a Researcher at NRC Laboratory of Evolutionary Ecology of Hydrobionts and a long-time expert of the State Lithuanian Language Commission. Since 2004, he has been involved in the development of the Lithuanian terminology of zoology, mainly of various taxonomic groups, and for two decades he has been providing regular consultations to the State Lithuanian Language Commission on the Lithuanian names of crustaceans, amphibians, molluscs, reptiles, fishes, birds and other organisms. G. Vaitonis has prepared and submitted for consideration lists of animals of various taxonomic groups, which include standardised or proposed new Lithuanian names for more than 14,000 species of animals, as well as for higher-ranking taxa. Most of the terms have been considered, approved and made available to the public. The names of amphibians, crustaceans, molluscs, fish and other organisms created by Gintautas Vaitonis have been published in the State Lithuanian Language Guidelines and in the Term Bank of the Republic of Lithuania. The scientist with co-authors have prepared and published a number of informative and popular science publications in the Lithuanian language such as: “Lietuvos griežtai saugomos rūšys (2015, compiler), “Invazinės rūšys Lietuvoje” (2017, compiler), “Lietuvos raudonoji knyga. Gyvūnai. Augalai. Grybai” (2021, co-author), “Invazinės ir svetimžemės rūšys Lietuvoje” (2023, co-author).
More information is available at: Paskirti Kalbos komisijos apdovanojimai už lietuvių kalbos puoselėjimą – Valstybinė lietuvių kalbos komisija (