New members of the Nature Research Centre Early Career Researchers Committee elected
24 April The Nature Research Centre held an election of new members to the NRC Early Career Researchers Committee. A total of 10 candidates stood for election. 7 new members of the Committee were elected by electronic ballot for a 2-year term (2024-2026):
Dr Nathan Jay Baker
Dr. Carolina R. F. Chagas
Dr. Denis Copilaş-Ciocianu
PhD student Olga Demina
Dr. Lukas Petrulaitis
Dr. Gintaras Malmiga
PhD student Kristina Valavičiūtė-Pocienė
Dr. Nathan Jay Baker was elected Chair of the Committee
Congratulations to the new members of the NRC ECRC and good luck in your work!
Early career researchers coffee break with Dr. Asta Audzijonytė
On 29 September 2023, NRC’s Early Career Researchers Committee (ECRC) arranged a coffee break on the topic “How to enjoy writing papers”. Dr. Nathan Jay Baker moderated the event, and Dr. Asta Audzijonytė, Chief Researcher at NRC, delivered a presentation and shared experience of writing scientific papers.
Discussions were held on how to plan time for paper writing, how to arrange structural parts, on the tools and technologies facilitating paper writing, as well as on data protection, dissemination of results and development of personal competences.
The number of participants and the intensity of the discussion showed the relevance of this topic. The ECRC plans to organize more meetings for researchers this academic year to discuss the tools and knowledge to help improve both paper writing and other skills.
Our sincere thanks to Dr. Asta Audzijonytė for inspiring discussions, valuable advice and time given to early career researchers. We wish her every success in further research.
Dr. Asta Audzijonytė earned her bachelor’s and master’s degrees at Vilnius University, Lithuania, later defended PhD degree at Helsinki University, Finland. Asta worked at many international laboratories, including Monterey Bay Aquarium Research Institute in California, USA, and Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organisation in Hobart, Australia. Currently, Asta is Senior Research Fellow at University of Tasmania and Chief Researcher at Nature Research Centre, Lithuania. Her interdisciplinary research in evolutionary biology, fish analysis, ecological modelling, molecular ecology and machine learning are highly valued by colleagues.
Researchers not only toil in laboratories, some of them decided to overcome the 20th Rimi Vilnius Marathon distances
Researchers not only toil in laboratories, some of them decided to overcome the distances offered by the 20th Rimi Vilniaus Marathon. The marathon joined over 10 thousand participants who competed in six different tracks. Most of NRC researchers have chosen a moderate 5 km distance, yet Laurynas Taura overcame a 42 km marathon distance! Congratulations to the colleagues, and we invite others to join the marathon next year!

NRC’s early career researchers picnic
On 2 June 2023, a traditional early career researchers picnic took place. The picnic was organised by the Early Career Researchers Committee. During the event, researchers could get acquainted with new PhD students and postdoc fellows, discuss collaboration possibilities, engage in community-building activities, share good emotions and take a break from their daily routine. The committee presented the results of the first year of activities, delivered future plans and called for an open discussion on the issues concerned.
The ECRC wished everybody meaningful summer, successful expeditions and new discoveries.
In the photo, left to right: Tautvydas Žalnierius, Nathan Jay Baker, Gabrielė Bumbulytė, Justas Dainys, Vaidas Palinauskas, Gintarė Slavinskienė
Nature Research Centre’s Early Career Researchers Committee (ECRC) established
On 5 May, a meeting of early career researchers (ECR) took place at Nature Research Centre. During the meeting, the vision, purposes and directions of activities of the to-be-established Early Career Researchers Committee (ECRC) were considered. The following 7 (out of 12) researchers were elected ECRC members:
PhD Nathan Jay Baker
PhD student Gabrielė Bumbulytė
PhD Justas Dainys
PhD Gintarė Slavinskienė
PhD Vaidas Palinauskas
PhD Domas Uogintas
PhD student Tautvydas Žalnierius
PhD Vaidas Palinauskas was elected the chairperson of the committee.