Research interests

My current research interests encompass the Baltic sea coast evolution and interactions between the sea level fluctuations, local climate change, and microorganisms responding to it on multiple temporal and spatial scales. I use interdisciplinary field- and laboratory-based approaches including the analysis of sediment cores, processing and interpretation of radiocarbon dating data; and implementation of high-resolution micropaleontological and geochemical analyses. Geography of my current project span the southeastern Baltic Sea coast.

Annotation of the dissertation

The aim of my current research work: reconstruction of the south-eastern Baltic Sea coast development history during the Late Glacial and Holocene on basis of multiproxy studies.
The main research objectives are:
1. To determine the diatom compositional changes in key Baltic Sea coast sediment sections;
2. To characterize the stages of the Baltic Sea development according to the diatom composition;
3. To correlate the diatom analysis data with palaeobotanical, isotopic and lithological etc. investigation data;
4. To compare the identified palaeoenvironmental variations with global climate events and patterns of the neighboring areas.

ORCID iD icon scopus icon

  1. Napreenko M.G., Orlov A.V., Napreenko-Dorokhova T.V., Subetto D.A., Sosnina I.A. Preliminary data on formation and depositional environments of lake Chaika in the central part of the Curonian Spit (Kaliningrad Region, Russia, South-Eastern Baltic) // IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science. 2020. Vol. 438. doi: 10.1088/1755-1315/438/1/012019 URL:
  2. Sosnina I.A., Napreenko-Dorokhova T.V., Napreenko M.G., Kasperovičienė J., Karosienė J. Species composition of diatoms (Bacillariophyta) of Holocene deposits in the Curonian Lagoon // Vestnik Immanuel Kant Baltic Federal University. Ser: Natural and medical sciences. – 2021. – No. 1. – 115 p. ISSN 2500-3208 URL:
  1. 2022-11. Data Analysis with R: TMS Annual Conference 2022 workshop (Marum Research Faculty University of Bremen, Bremen, Germany)
  2. 2022-09. INTIMATE-INQUA Summer School at the Archipelago Sea (University of Turku, Turku, Finland)
  3. 2021-04. Internship “Taxonomic diversity of diatoms. Use and application of diatom analysis for palaeoecological reconstructions in the southeast Baltic” (Shirshov Oceanology Institute Russian Academy of Science, Moscow)

International scientific conferences:

  1. Sosnina, V. Šeiriene, T. Napreenko-Dorokhova, and M. Napreenko. Palaeoenvironmental changes of the Curonian Lagoon (SE Baltic Sea) inferred from the diatom data // The Micropalaeontological Society Annual Conference 2022: The Microfossil Record of Ecosystem Response to Global Change; 9–11 November 2022, Bremen, Germany. Newsletter of Micropalaeontology, Special Issue 2. The Micropalaeontological Society. (Bremen: Universität Bremen). P. 114-115.
  2. Sosnina, T. Napreenko-Dorokhova, M. Napreenko. The palaeoenvironmental study of the southwestern part of Curonian Lagoon inferred from diatom data. // Quaternary of the Eastern Baltic Region. Excursion guied and abstracts of international field symposium, 10-15 September 2022, Vilnius, Lithuania/ Eds: V. Šeirienė and A. Bitinas. Nature Research Centre, Vilnius, 2022 ISBN 9786098255102. p. 38-39
  3. Napreenko-Dorokhova T.V., Napreenko M.G., Sosnina I.A., Druzhinina O., Sapozhnikov P.V. Preliminary results of complex study of sediments from the Curonian Lagoon // Geography: development of science and education. Collection of articles based on the materials of the international scientific and practical conference LXXIV Herzan readings / Editors: S.I. Bogdanov, D.А. Subetto, А.N. Paranina. – Saint Petersburg: Izdatel’stvo A.I. Herzen State University, 2021. – V. 1, P. 353-356.
  4. Napreenko-Dorokhova T.V., Napreenko M.G., Sosnina I.A., Subetto D.A., Orlov A.V., Lukashev N.А. The role of natural and anthropogenic factors in the formation of landscapes of the Curonian Spit in the Holocene // Materials of the international scientific-practical conference “Landscape science and landscape ecology: co-adaptation of landscape and economic activity. The fourth landscape-ecological readings dedicated to G.E. Grishankov”. –Simferopol: V.I. Vernadsky Crimean Federal University, 2020. – P. 279-283 URL:

National scientific conferences:

  1. Sosnina, T. Napreenko-Dorokhova, M. Napreenko. Preliminary data on the development of a coastal basin in the Nemunas river delta. // The Seventh Conference of the Students in the Field of Geology, December 2021, Vilnius, Lithuania.
  2. Sosnina I.A., Napreenko-Dorokhova T.V., Napreenko M.G., Sapozhnikov P.V. Development of natural conditions in the root of the Curonian Spit according to diatom analysis // Integrated research of the World Ocean. The materials of VI All-Russian conference of young scientists, Moscow city, 18–24 April 2021. Moscow: P.P. Shirshov Institute of Oceanology Russian Academy of Science, 2021, P. 404–405, DOI:10.29006/978-5-6045110-3-9. ISBN 978-5-6045110-3-9. URL:
  3. Napreenko-Dorokhova T.V., Napreenko M.G., Sosnina I.A., Subetto D.A., Orlov A.V., Lukashev N.А. Results of a study of bottom sediments of the wetland ecosystems of the Curonian Spit // Problems of Study and Protection of Natural and Cultural Heritage of the Curonian Spit National Park: Collection of Scientific Articles. – Kaliningrad, 2020. – V. 16. –P. 150-160. ISSN 2410-8677
  4. Sosnina I.A., Ananian А.S., Napreenko-Dorokhova T.V., Napreenko M.G., Koroleva Y.V., Orlov A.V., Subetto D.A. The history of landscape development in the central part of the Curonian Spit during the Holocene according to the research of bottom sediments of Lake Chaika // The materials of V All-Russian conference of young scientists “Integrated research of the World Ocean” – Kaliningrad: Аtlantic Branch P.P. Shirshov Institute of Oceanology Russian Academy of Science, 2020. – P. 350-351. – ISBN 978-5-9906839-1-4. URL:


