Gedminienė, L., Spiridonov, A., Stančikaitė, M., Skuratovič, Ž., Vaikutienė, G., Daumantas, L., Salonen, J.S. 2025. Temporal and spatial climate changes in the mid-Baltic region in the Late Glacial and the Holocene: Pollen-based reconstructions. Catena, 252: art. no. 108851.
Balakauskas, L., Gedminienė, L., Skuratovič, Ž., Lalaitė, R., Vaikutienė, G. 2024. Environmental changes in SW Lithuania during 8720-7990 cal yr BP: analysis of Lake Amalvas sediments. Baltica, 37 (2): 180–190.
Pukelytė, V., Gedminienė, L., Baltrūnas, V., Karmaza, B. 2024. Stadial and interstadial deposits of Late Nemunas (Late Weichselian/MIS 2) glaciation in south Lithuania and their interpretation. Quaternary International, 696: 12–24.
Stankevičius, Ž., Zinkutė, R., Suzdalev, S., Gedminienė, L., Baužienė, I., Taraškevčius, R. 2023. Search for the substantiation of reasonable native elemental background values and reference variables in topsoil on glaciogenic and postglacial deposits in a Vilnius peri-urban area. Minerals, 13 (12): art. no. 1513.
Druzhinina, O., Stančikaitė, M., Gedminienė, L., Vaikutienė, G., Lavrova, N., Kublitskiy, Y., Subetto, D. 2023. Anthropogenic impact on the landscape of the Vishtynets Upland (Kaliningrad region, SE Baltic) in prehistory and Middle Ages: A multi-proxy palaeoenvironmental study. Quaternary International, 644: 145–159.
Druzhinina, O., Gedminienė, L., van den Berghe, K. 2022. Metals in lake sediments as indicators of human activities in prehistory: Case study of the Southeastern Baltic, Kamyshovoe Lake. Minerals, 12 (10): art. no. 1216.
Stančikaitė, M., Zernitskaya, V., Kluczynska, G., Valūnas, D., Gedminienė, L., Uogintas, D., Skuratovič, Ž., Vlasov, B., Gastevičienė, N., Ežerinskis, Ž., Šapolaitė, J., Šeirienė, V. 2022. The Lateglacial and Early Holocene vegetation dynamics: New multi-proxy data from the central Belarus. Quaternary International, 630: 121–136.
Druzhinina, O., Gedminienė, L., van den Berghe, K. (2022) Geochemical study of the Iron Age settlement occupational layer and the early Roman Time agricultural layer at Voorthuizen, The Netherlands. Minerals, 12 (3): art. no. 373.
Šeirienė, V., Gastevičienė, N., Luoto, T.P., Gedminienė, L., Stančikaitė, M. (2021) The Lateglacial and early Holocene climate variability and vegetation dynamics derived from chironomid and pollen records of Lieporiai palaeolake, North Lithuania. Quaternary International, 605: 55–64.
Druzhinina, O., Kublitskiy, Y., Stančikaitė, M., Nazarova, L., Syrykh, L., Gedminienė, L.,Uogintas, D., Skipitytė, R., Arslanov, K., Vaikutienė, G., Kulkova, M., Subetto, D. (2020) The Late Pleistocene-Early Holocene palaeoenvironmental evolution in the SE Baltic region: a new approach based on chironomid, geochemical and isotopic data from Kamyshovoye Lake, Russia. Boreas, 49 (3): 544–561.
Kublitskiy, Y., Kulkova, M., Druzhinina, O., Subetto, D., Stančikaitė, M., Gedminienė, L., Arslanov, K. (2020) Geochemical approach to the reconstruction of sedimentation processes in Kamyshovoye Lake (SE Baltic, Russia) during the Late Glacial and Holocene. Minerals, 10 (9): art. no. 764.
Stančikaitė, M., Gedminienė, L., Edvardsson, J., Stoffel, M., Corona, C., Gryguc, G., Uogintas, D., Zinkutė, R., Skuratovič, Ž., Taraškevičius, R. (2019) Holocene vegetation and hydroclimatic dynamics in SE Lithuania – Implications from a multi-proxy study of the Cepkeliai bog. Quaternary International. 501: 219-239.
Gedminienė, L., Šiliauskas, L., Skuratovič, Z., Taraškevičius, R., Zinkutė, R., Kazbaris, M., Ežerinskis, Ž., Šapolaitė, J., Gastevičienė, N., Šeirienė, V., Stančikaitė, M. (2019) The Lateglacial-Early Holocene dynamics of the sedimentation environment based on the multi-proxy abiotic study of Lieporiai palaeolake, Northern Lithuania. Baltica. 32 (1): 63-77.
Stančikaitė, M., Simniškytė, A., Skuratovič, Ž., Gedminienė, L., Kazakauskas, V., Uogintas, D. (2019) Reconstruction of the mid-to Late-Holocene history of vegetation and land-use in Petresiunai, north-east Lithuania: Implications from palaeobotanical and archaeological data. Quaternary International. 516: 5-20.
Spiridonov, A., Balakauskas, L., Stankevič, R., Kluczynska, G., Gedminienė, L., Stančikaitė, M. (2019) Holocene vegetation patterns in southern Lithuania indicate astronomical forcing on the millennial and centennial time scales. Scientific Reports. 9: art. no. 14711.
Šeirienė, V., Šinkūnas, P., Stančikaitė, M., Kisielienė, D., Gedminienė, L. (2019) Late Middle Pleistocene interglacial sediments from Buivydziai site, eastern Lithuania: A problem of chronostratigraphic correlation. Quaternary International. 534: 18-29.
Edvardsson, J., Stančikaitė, M., Miras, Y., Corona, C., Gryguc, G., Gedminienė, L., Mažeika, J., Stoffel, M. (2018) Late-Holocene vegetation dynamics in response to a changing climate and anthropogenic influences – Insights from stratigraphic records and subfossil trees from southeast Lithuania. Quaternary Science Reviews. 185: 91-101.
Taraškevičius, R ., Zinkutė, R., Gedminienė, L., Stankevičius, Z. (2018) Hair geochemical composition of children from Vilnius kindergartens as an indicator of environmental conditions. Environmental Geochemistry and Health. 40 (5): 1817-1840.
Dietze, E., Theuerkauf, M., Bloom, K., Brauer, A., Dorfler, W., Feeser, I., Feurdean, A., Gedminienė, L., Giesecke, T., Jahns, S., Karpinska-Kolaczek, M., Kolaczek, P., Lamentowicz, M., Latalowa, M., Marcisz, K., Obremska, M., Pedziszewska, A., Poska, A., Rehfeld, K., Stančikaitė, M., Stivrins, N., Swieta-Musznicka, J., Szal, M., Vassiljev, J., Veski, S., Wacnik, A., Weisbrodt, D., Wiethold, J., Vanniere, B., Slowinski, M. (2018) Holocene fire activity during low-natural flammability periods reveals scale-dependent cultural human-fire relationships in Europe. Quaternary Science Reviews. 201: 44-56.
Taraškevičius, R., Motiejūnaitė, J., Zinkutė, R., Eigminienė, A., Gedminienė, L., Stankevičius, Z. (2017) Similarities and differences in geochemical distribution patterns in epiphytic lichens and topsoils from kindergarten grounds in Vilnius. Journal of Geochemical Exploration. 183: 152-165.