Research interests
Coastal processes, formation and development of barrier systems in non-tidal seas under modern climate condition and sea-level rise, using remote sensing and drone technology to monitor morphodynamics within the coastal zone.

Annotation of the dissertation
The major aim of this PhD study is to analyze the morphodynamic trends in the development of coastal spits within non-tidal seas under the conditions of global climate change (in the example of the Baltic, Black, and Azov seas).
To achieve the goal, the following studies will be performed: study of the morphological parameters of the spit in non-tidal seas; study of natural and anthropogenic factors in the development of spits in non-tidal seas; determination of modern dynamic characteristics of spit development in the studied seas; determination of dynamic trends in the development of coastal spit in non-tidal seas under the conditions of climate change.

1. Shvets O. 2023. Morphological features of the frontal shore of the Dzharylgach Spit.
2. Davydov Oleksiy, Buynevich Ilya Val, Shvets Oksana. Impact of storm BETTINA (25-27 November 2023) in the Tendra-Djarylgach windged foreland сomplex.

1. VIII-th National Young Geographers Conference “GEOGRAPHIA JUVENTA”, 28 March 2024 at 9.30 am Institute of Geosciences, Faculty of Chemistry and Geosciences, Vilnius University.
2. III All-Ukrainian scientific and practical online conference with international participation “THEORY AND PRACTICE OF COASTAL SCIENCE AND NATURE MANAGEMENT” 24-25 may 2024. Odesa
