Analysis of unintentional introduction and ways of spread of invasive alien species of Union concern in Lithuania and determination of priority entry ways, for implementation of Regulation (EU) No 1143/2014 of 22 October 2014 of the European Parliament and European CouncilProject leader: Dr. Zigmantas Gudžinskas
Division: Laboratory of Flora and Geobotany
Contracted by: Ministry of Environment of the Republic of Lithuania
Monitoring of living nature in the territory of Utena district municipalityProject leader: Dr. Valerijus Rašomavičius
Division: Laboratory of Flora and Geobotany
Contracted by: Vilnius Gediminas Technical University
Assessment of the condition of seed (genetic) reserve sites of medicinal and aromatic plants and collection of seed samples of target species in northern Lithuania in 2017Project leader: Dr. Juozas Labokas
Division: Laboratory of Economic Botany
Contracted by: Plants Gene Bank
Maintenance and renewal of Nature Research Centre‘s field collections of national plant genetic resourcesProject leader: Dr. Juozas Labokas
Division: Laboratory of Economic Botany
Contracted by: Ministry of Environment of the Republic of Lithuania
Influence of bee pathogens on queen mandibular gland pheromone composition parameters reflecting queen quality Laboratory of Chemical and Behavioural Ecology - Projektai 2023-2024 y. Remote Analysis of Organic Matter in Soil (NOMEDA) System Project leader: Dr. Laima Blažytė-Čereškienė Division: Laboratory of Chemical and Behavioural Ecology Source of funding: European Agricultural Fund for Rural Development and Lithuanian state budget 2023 -2027 y. CA22102 European Network In Chemical Ecology: translating the language of life into sustainability (E-NICHE) Project leader: Prof. Dr. Habil. Vincas Būda Division: Division: Laboratory of Chemical and Behavioural Ecology Source of funding: COST 2023 -2026 y. New solutions based on natural processes for monitoring and control of insect pest Otiorhynchus armadillo Project leader: Prof. Dr. Habil. Vincas Būda Division: Laboratory of Chemical and Behavioural Ecology Source of funding: Research Council of Lithuania 2023 y. Search for suitable bee colonies for the maintenance of the Lithuanian population of the native dark bee Apis mellifera mellifera Project leader: Dr. Laima Blažytė-Čereškienė Division: Laboratory of Chemical and Behavioural Ecology Source of funding: European Agricultural Guarantee Fund and state budget of the Republic of Lithuania 2023 y. Preparatory action for monitoring of environmental pollution using honey bees (INSIGNIA-EU) Project coordinator in Lithuania: Dr. Laima Blažytė-Čereškienė Division: Laboratory of Chemical and Behavioural Ecology Source of funding: European Union (Grant No 09.200200/2021/864096/SER/ ENV.D.2.) 2022 y. Prevalence of nuclear DNA markers specific to Lithuanian native bees in colonies used for selection Project leader: Assoc. Prof. Dr. Eduardas Budrys Division: Laboratory of Chemical and Behavioural Ecology Contracted by: National Paying Agency under the Ministry of Agriculture of the Republic of Lithuania 2022 y. Prevalence of nuclear DNA markers specific to Lithuanian native bees in colonies used for selection Project leader: Dr. Rasa Čepulytė Division: Laboratory of Chemical and Behavioural Ecology Contracted by: European Agricultural Guarantee Fund and state budget of the Republic of Lithuania 2022 y. Morphometric assessment of selection efficiency in the emerging Lithuanian dark bee population and the search for new colonies to maintain it Project leader: Dr. Laima Blažytė-Čereškienė Division: Laboratory of Chemical and Behavioural Ecology Contracted by: European Agricultural Guarantee Fund and state budget of the Republic of Lithuania 2021 -2023 y. International COLOSS project “Monitoring of honey bee colony” Project coordinator in Lithuania: Dr. Laima Blažytė-Čereškienė Division: Laboratory of Chemical and Behavioural Ecology Source of funding: COLOSS 2021 y. Optimisation of the rearing reproductive system intended for mealworm and testing of nutritional formulations Project leader: Dr. Dominykas Aleknavičius Division: Laboratory of Chemical and Behavioural Ecology Contracted by: Contracted by: UAB Divaks 2021 y. Measure “Applied research programmes for beekeeping and apiculture products” of the 2020-2022 programme for support to the Lithuanian beekeeping sector Project leader: Assoc. Prof. Dr. Eduardas Budrys Division: Laboratory of Chemical and Behavioural Ecology Contracted by: National Paying Agency under the Ministry of Agriculture of the Republic of Lithuania 2021 y. Haplotyping of nuclear introns specific to the Lithuanian native bee population Project leader: Assoc. Prof. Dr. Eduardas Budrys Division: Laboratory of Chemical and Behavioural Ecology Division: Division: Laboratory of Chemical and Behavioural Ecology Source of funding: European Agricultural Guarantee Fund and state budget of the Republic of Lithuania 2021 y. Searching for potential sites for the conservation of Lithuanian native honeybees Project leader: Dr. Laima Blažytė-Čereškienė Division: Laboratory of Chemical and Behavioural Ecology Contracted by: National Paying Agency under the Ministry of Agriculture of the Republic of Lithuania 2021 -2022 y. Applied scientific research on the cultivation of mealworm Project leader: Dr. Dominykas Aleknavičius Division: Laboratory of Chemical and Behavioural Ecology Contracted by: Contracted by: UAB Divaks 2021 y. Measure “Applied research programmes for beekeeping and apiculture products” of the 2020-2022 programme for support to the Lithuanian beekeeping sector Project leader: Dr. Laima Blažytė-Čereškienė Division: Laboratory of Chemical and Behavioural Ecology Contracted by: National Paying Agency under the Ministry of Agriculture of the Republic of Lithuania 2020 y. The possibility of assessing the hybridisation of Lithuanian native bees with introduced bees using intron sequences Project leader: Assoc. Prof. Dr. Eduardas Budrys Division: Laboratory of Chemical and Behavioural Ecology Contracted by: National Paying Agency under the Ministry of Agriculture of the Republic of Lithuania 2020 -2024 y. CA19144 European venom network Management Committee member: Assoc. Prof. Dr. Eduardas Budrys Division: Laboratory of Chemical and Behavioural Ecology Source of funding: COST 2020 -2022 y. Genes affected by natural selection: evolutionary rate during speciation and use for identification of sibling species Project leader: Assoc. Prof. Dr. Eduardas Budrys Division: Laboratory of Chemical and Behavioural Ecology Source of funding: Research Council of Lithuania 2020 -2022 y. Does haemosporidian gametocyte viability change in different seasons in nature? Project leader: Prof. Habil. Dr. Vincas Būda Postdoctoral fellow: Dr. Dovilė Bukauskaitė Division: Laboratory of Chemical and Behavioural Ecology Source of funding: Programme of investment actions of European Union funds 2020 -2022 y. Development of spectrometric technology and prototype methodology for preventive oyster quality assessment in situ Project leader: Prof. Dr. Habil. Vincas Būda Division: Laboratory of Chemical and Behavioural Ecology Source of funding: European Union structural funds 2020 -2021 y. The search for repellent chemical compounds in the volatile metabolites secreted by microscopic fungi for the great milliseur (Tenebrio molitor L.) Project leader: Prof. Dr. Habil. Vincas Būda Student: Gabrielė Bumbulytė 2020 y. Survey of microsporidial and viral infections in Lithuanian dark bee colonies used for breeding and selection Project leader: Dr. Laima Blažytė-Čereškienė Division: Laboratory of Chemical and Behavioural Ecology Contracted by: European Agricultural Guarantee Fund and state budget of the Republic of Lithuania 2020 y. Innovative bee hive protection and monitoring system Project leader: Dr. Laima Blažytė-Čereškienė Division: Laboratory of Chemical and Behavioural Ecology Contracted by: National Paying Agency under the Ministry of Agriculture of the Republic of Lithuania 2019 y. Possible influence of the hygienic behaviour of bees on the spread of viruses anProject leader: Dr. Laima Blažytė-Čereškienė
Division: Laboratory of Chemical and Behavioural Ecology
Source of funding: National Paying Agency under the Ministry of Agriculture of the Republic of Lithuania
Preparation of the coastal management programme for the recreational zone of the continental area of the seacoast of Klaipėda city municipalityProject leader: Dr. Gintautas Žilinskas
Division: Laboratory of Geoenvironmental Research
Contracted by: Klaipėda City Municipality Administration
Observations of the intensity of smelt spawning migration, fish spring and autumnal migrations in the aquatic area of Klaipėda State Seaport during dredging activities in 2016Project leader: Dr. Linas Ložys
Division: Laboratory of Fish Ecology
Contracted by: Klaipėda State Seaport Authority
Preparation of plans for the assessment, use and restoration of Kauno Marios Reservoir fish stocks for 2016-2017Project leader: Dr. Linas Ložys
Division: Laboratory of Fish Ecology
Contracted by: Ministry of Environment of the Republic of Lithuania
Assessment of the condition of seed (genetic) reserve sites of medicinal and aromatic plants and collection of seed samples of target species in western LithuaniaProject leader: Dr. Juozas Labokas
Division: Laboratory of Economic Botany
Contracted by: Plants Gene Bank
Assessment of the state of blackfly (Simuliidae) population in 2016Project leader: Dr. Rasa Bernotienė
Division: Laboratory of Entomology
Contracted by: Environmental Protection Agency
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