Determination of vectors transmitting haemoproteid parasites of diurnal raptorsProject leader: Dr. Dovilė Bukauskaitė
Division: P. B. Šivickis Laboratory of Parasitology
Source of funding: Research Council of Lithuania
Investigation of factors limiting the spread of avian haemosporidian infectionsProject leader: Dr. Rita Žiegytė
Division: P. B. Šivickis Laboratory of Parasitology
Source of funding: Research Council of Lithuania
Investigation of molecular identification of Sarcocystis species in predator and water samplesProject leader: Dr. (HP) Dalius Butkauskas
Division: Laboratory of Molecular Ecology
Source of funding: Research Council of Lithuania
Expert assessment of the current breeding status of carp and preparation of recommendations for the monitoring and programme of the development of new breeding lines adapted to local conditionsProject leader: Dr. (HP) Dalius Butkauskas
Division: Laboratory of Molecular Ecology
Contracted by: National Paying Agency under the Ministry of Agriculture of the Republic of Lithuania
Ponto-Caspian amphipods in the Baltic region: niche changes and functional comparison with local species (AMPHIBALT)Project leader: Dr. Denis Copilaş-Ciocianu
Division: Laboratory of Evolutionary Ecology of Hydrobionts
Source of funding: Research Council of Lithuania
DNA barcoding database of Ponto-Caspian Amphipoda: towards improvement of invasion management and biodiversity conservationProject leader: Dr. Asta Audzijonytė
Fellow: Dr. Denis Copilaş-Ciocianu
Division: Laboratory of Evolutionary Ecology of Hydrobionts
Source of funding: Programme of investment actions of European Union funds
Fish as a model of nutritional ontogenesis for the study of nanoparticle transport by aquatic food chains in the context of climate changeProject leader: Dr. Nijolė Kazlauskienė
Division: Laboratory of Ecotoxicology
Source of funding: Research Council of Lithuania
Genes affected by natural selection: evolutionary rate during speciation and use for identification of sibling speciesProject leader: Assoc. Prof. Dr. Eduardas Budrys
Division: Laboratory of Chemical and Behavioural Ecology
Source of funding: Research Council of Lithuania
Does haemosporidian gametocyte viability change in different seasons in nature?Project leader: Prof. Habil. Dr. Vincas Būda
Postdoctoral fellow: Dr. Dovilė Bukauskaitė
Division: Laboratory of Chemical and Behavioural Ecology
Source of funding: Programme of investment actions of European Union funds
Development of spectrometric technology and prototype methodology for preventive oyster quality assessment in situProject leader: Prof. Dr. Habil. Vincas Būda
Division: Laboratory of Chemical and Behavioural Ecology
Source of funding: European Union structural funds