Assessment of mycological condition of facades of renovated apartment buildings and selection of disinfectants to reduce contaminationProject leader: Dr. Algimantas Paškevičius
Division: Laboratory of Biodeterioration Research
Contracted by: UAB MEPCO
Diagnosing microsporidia, Nosema apis and N. ceranae, and bee viruses in honey bees, Apis mellifera, by molecular methodsProject leader: Dr. Laima Blažytė-Čereškienė
Division: Laboratory of Chemical and Behavioural Ecology
Contracted by: Institute of Agriculture of the Lithuanian Research Centre for Agriculture and Forestry
Measure “Applied research programmes for beekeeping and apiculture products” of the 2017-2019 programme for support to the Lithuanian beekeeping sectorProject leader: Dr. Laima Blažytė-Čereškienė
Division: Laboratory of Chemical and Behavioural Ecology
Contracted by: National Paying Agency under the Ministry of Agriculture of the Republic of Lithuania
CITES expertise and consulting servicesProject leader: Dr. Jolanta Rimšaitė
Division: Laboratory of Entomology
Contracted by: Ministry of Environment of the Republic of Lithuania
Consumption of insect fed, its impact on growth, productivity and disease resistanceProject leader: Prof. Dr. (HP) Sigitas Podėnas
Division: Laboratory of Entomology
Contracted by: UAB Nirlita
Services of assessment of the impact of water level fluctuations on fish and water bird populations in Kaunas HPP reservoirProject leader: Dr. Linas Ložys
Division: Laboratory of Fish Ecology
Contracted by: UAB Lietuvos Energijos Gamyba
Investigation of mineral-petrographic composition of natural sand and gravel mixture samples from Trakai I and Margis quarriesProject leader: Prof. Dr. Petras Šinkūnas
Division: Laboratory of Quaternary Research
Contracted by: UAB Žvyro Karjerai
Petrographic composition study of sand and pebble samples from the Gelžiniai sand-gravel quarryProject leader: Dr. Petras Šinkūnas
Division: Laboratory of Quaternary Research
Contracted by: UAB Karjerų projektai
Investigation of petrographic composition of gravel from Šventininkai depositProject leader: Dr. Petras Šinkūnas
Division: Laboratory of Quaternary Research
Contracted by: UAB Šventininkų karjeras
Smilgių telkinio fr. 0/4 mm ir žvirgždo skaldos fr. 8/16 mm mėginių petrografinės sudėties tyrimasProject leader: Dr. Petras Šinkūnas
Division: Laboratory of Quaternary Research
Contracted by: AB Ukmergės gelžbetonis