Investigation of petrographic composition of raw material for crushed graniteProject leader: Prof. Dr. Petras Šinkūnas
Division: Laboratory of Quaternary Research
Contracted by: UAB Žemaitijos Granitas
Determination of petrographic composition of sand sample fr. 0/4 from Drąseikiai quarryProject leader: Prof. Dr. Petras Šinkūnas
Division: Laboratory of Quaternary Research
Contracted by: UAB Drąseikių Karjeras
Petrographic composition of sand fr. 0/4 from Smilgių quarryProject leader: Prof. Dr. Petras Šinkūnas
Division: Laboratory of Quaternary Research
Contracted by: AB Ukmergės Gelžbetonis
Preparation of the coastal management programme for the recreational zone of the continental area of the seacoast of Klaipėda city municipalityProject leader: Dr. Gintautas Žilinskas
Division: Laboratory of Geoenvironmental Research
Contracted by: Klaipėda City Municipality Administration
Observations of the intensity of smelt spawning migration, fish spring and autumnal migrations in the aquatic area of Klaipėda State Seaport during dredging activities in 2016Project leader: Dr. Linas Ložys
Division: Laboratory of Fish Ecology
Contracted by: Klaipėda State Seaport Authority
Preparation of plans for the assessment, use and restoration of Kauno Marios Reservoir fish stocks for 2016-2017Project leader: Dr. Linas Ložys
Division: Laboratory of Fish Ecology
Contracted by: Ministry of Environment of the Republic of Lithuania
Assessment of the condition of seed (genetic) reserve sites of medicinal and aromatic plants and collection of seed samples of target species in western LithuaniaProject leader: Dr. Juozas Labokas
Division: Laboratory of Economic Botany
Contracted by: Plants Gene Bank
Assessment of the state of blackfly (Simuliidae) population in 2016Project leader: Dr. Rasa Bernotienė
Division: Laboratory of Entomology
Contracted by: Environmental Protection Agency
Preparation of sediment samples for palynological studiesProject leader: Dr. Vaida Šeirienė
Division: Laboratory of Quaternary Research
Contracted by: Lithuanian Geological Survey under the Ministry of Environment of the Republic of Lithuania
Monitoring of living nature in the territory of Utena district municipalityProject leader: Dr. Valerijus Rašomavičius
Division: Laboratory of Flora and Geobotany
Contracted by: Vilnius Gediminas Technical University