Investigation of physico-chemical indicators, flora and fauna in Pasvalys city pond and in the Lėvuo River down of Pasvalis city pond in 2014-2016 and determination of the status of the water bodiesProject leader: Dr. Tomas Virbickas
Division: Laboratory of Fish Ecology
Contracted by: Pasvalys District Municipality
Investigations of groundwater quality and safety of the watering place at Ausieniškių village for 2013Project leader: Dr. Arūnas Jurevičius
Division: Laboratory of Climate and Water Research
Contracted by: AB Vievio Paukštynas
Investigations of the quality and safety of underground water and soil in AB Vievio Pakuštynas fields fertilised with manureProject leader: Dr. Arūnas Jurevičius
Division: Laboratory of Climate and Water Research
Contracted by: AB Vievio Paukštynas
Observations of the intensity of smelt spawning migration, fish spring and autumnal migrations in the Klaipėda State Seaport aquatic area and intensity of fish spring and autumnal migrations in the Šventoji State Seaport aquatic area during dredging activities in 2013Project leader: Dr. Linas Ložys
Division: Laboratory of Fish Ecology
Contracted by: Klaipėda State Seaport Authority
Determination of mineral-petrographic composition of sieved gravel sample, fr. 0/32, from Smukučiai quarryProject leader: Prof. Dr. Petras Šinkūnas
Division: Laboratory of Queternary Research
Contracted by: UAB Jurbarko Karjerai
Genesis of shale geological formations and hydrocarbon production: impact on environment and human healthProject leader: Prof. Dr. Habil. Algimantas Grigelis
Division: Laboratory of Geoenvironmental Research
Contracted by: Lithuanian Academy of Sciences
Determination of petrographic composition of one crushed stone sample, fr. 8/11Project leader: Prof. Dr. Petras Šinkūnas
Division: Laboratory of Quaternary Research
Contracted by: AB Eurovia Lietuva
Determination of petrographic composition of one crushed stone sample, fr. 4/16 mm, produced by UAB Zarasų STProject leader: Prof. Dr. Petras Šinkūnas
Division: Laboratory of Quaternary Research
Contracted by: UAB Zarasų ST
Services of assessment of the impact of water level fluctuations on fish and water bird populations in Kaunas HPP reservoirProject leader: Dr. Linas Ložys
Division: Laboratory of Fish Ecology
Contracted by: AB Lietuvos Energijos Gamyba
Determination of quartz content in three sand samples, fr. 0/4 mm, used by AB DolomitasProject leader: Prof. Dr. Petras Šinkūnas
Division: Laboratory of Queternary Research
Contracted by: AB Dolomitas