Mokslinių tyrimų Plinkšių ežere (Mažeikių r.) atlikimasProject leader: Dr. Vytautas Kesminas
Division: Laboratory of Fish Ecology
Contracted by: Mažeikiai District Hunters and Fishers Society
A study on migration of Atlantic sturgeon (Acipenser oxyrhynchus oxyrhynchus Mitchill) juveniles in rivers and preparation of recommendations for protectionProject leader: Dr. Saulius Stakėnas
Division: Laboratory of Fish Ecology
Contracted by: National Paying Agency under the Ministry of Agriculture of the Republic of Lithuania
Research on factors and genomic changes in the invasiveness of alien herbaceous plants (INVAZGENOM)Project leader: Dr. Regina Vyšniauskienė
Division: Laboratory of Molecular Ecology
Title of the National Research Programme: Ecosystems in Lithuania: Climate Change and Human Impact
Source of funding: Research Council of Lithuania
Adaptation of invasive species and their impact on aquatic ecosystems of different complexity (INSIST)Project leader: Prof. Dr. Kęstutis Arbačiauskas
Division: Laboratory of Evolutionary Ecology of Hydrobionts
Title of the National Research Programme: Ecosystems in Lithuania: Climate Change and Human Impact
Source of funding: Research Council of Lithuania
Development of methods for determination of distribution of species of European Community importance: hermit beetle and flat bark beetleProject leader: Dr. Povilas Ivinskis
Division: Laboratory of Entomology
Contracted by: Ministry of Environment of the Republic of Lithuania
Assessment of the state of species of European Community importance, investigation of invasive blackflies and ichthyofauna and the impact of long-range transport on ecosystemsProject leader: Dr. Rasa Bernotienė
Division: Laboratory of Entomology
Contracted by: Environmental Protection Agency
Ecotoxicological expression of ash-leaf maple invasion in the coastal zone ecotones (ACERTODUE)Project leader: Dr. Levonas Manusadžianas
Division: Laboratory of Ecotoxicology
Title of the National Research Programme: Ecosystems in Lithuania: Climate Change and Human Impact
Source of funding: Research Council of Lithuania
Complex studies and modeling of the impact of persistent pollutants on aquatic ecosystemProject leader: Dr. Nijolė Kazlauskienė
Division: Laboratory of Ecotoxicology
Source of funding: Research Council of Lithuania
Experimental studies on the recovery of marsh plant communities in Aukštumala peatland and raised bogProject leader: Dr. Valerijus Rašomavičius
Division: Laboratory of Flora and Geobotany
Contracted by: AB Klasmann-Deilmann Šilutė
Assessment and selection of seed (genetic) reserve sites of medicinal and aromatic plantsProject leader: Dr. Juozas Labokas
Division: Laboratory of Economic Botany
Contracted by: Plants Gene Bank