Botanica Lithuanica, Volume 17, Number 1

2011 m.

Morphology and localization of glandular and non-glandular trichomes on vegetative and reproductive organs of Salvia pomifera were investigated by light and scanning electron microscopy. This species is endemic to the east Mediterranean region. Five distinct types of glandular trichomes (one peltate and four capitate) were determined on the organs of this species. The peltate trichomes were characterized by a short stalk cell, a basal cell and a large spherical two to four-celled head. The capitate trichomes consisted of one to four-celled stalk, one-celled neck and one to two-celled head. On the leaves and calyx peltate trichomes were abundant, while on the stem and petiole they were rare. The capitate glandular and non-glandular trichomes were widely observed on vegetative and reproductive organs of S. pomifera.

Keywords: trichomes, morphology, localization.

One hundred and thirty five species of coccoid green algae ascribed to 12 families and 50 genera were recorded in 28 small lakes located in the Eastern part of the Baltic Uplands. They comprised almost half of the known coccoid algae species (284) in Lithuania. Scenedesmaceae (41 species), Chlorellaceae (25), Oocystaceae (19) families and Scenedesmus (26), Pediastrum (12) genera were the most diverse. Very rare species worldwide Echinosphaeridium nordstedtii Lemmermm., Monoraphidium flexuosum Komárek, Pseudokirchneriella roselata (Hindák) Hindák, Thorakochloris nygaardii Fott were among 34 species new to the Lithuanian Chlorococcales algae flora. The discrepancies in number and size of cells, colonies, coenobia as well as atypical morphological structures were evident in the lakes characterised by high anthropogenic impact and extreme environmental conditions.

Keywords: coccoid green algae, Chlorococcales, diversity, lakes, Lithuania.

In 2009, Lecanosticta acicola, an anamorphic stage of pathogenic ascomycetous fungus Mycosphaerella dearnessii, causing foliage disease of pines known as brown spot needle blight has been for the first time reported in Lithuania. This alien fungus was found in Pinus mugo plantations in the Curonian Spit (western Lithuania). During detailed investigations in 2009 and 2010, only anamorphic stage was found on heavily damaged needles; teleomorph was not observed. The fungus was identified by both morphological characters and molecular PCR-based methods. Information on the distribution, taxonomy, morphology and ecology of this needle pathogen is provided.

Keywords: brown spot needle blight, distribution, invasive fungal pathogens, needle diseases, Pinus.

A list of 13 species of lichens and 12 species of lichenicolous fungi from Lithuania is presented. New to the Baltic states are Arthonia molendoi, Caloplaca flavocitrina, C. phlogina, Diederichia pseudeverniae, Phoma ficuzzae, P. foliaceiphila, Scoliciosporum gallurae, Strangospora deplanata, Vezdaea acicularis and Wentiomyces lichenicola; new to Lithuania are Bachmanniomyces uncialicola, Bacidia pycnidiata, Cladonia monomorpha, Clypeococcum cetrariae, Lecania cuprea, Leptogium rivulare, Libertiella curvispora, Opegrapha vermicellifera, Polycoccum pulvinatum, Porpidia soredizodes, Scoliciosporum sarothamni, Thelocarpon epibolum, Trichonectria anisospora, Vouauxiomyces ramalinae. The teleomorph of Scutula dedicata is recorded for the first time in the country.

Keywords: lichens, lichenicolous fungi, Lithuania.

Seventeen species of parasitic and saprotrophic fungi were identified on Ammophila arenaria (Poaceae). Two species were ascribed to the Basidiomycota (Uredinales), seven – to Ascomycota and eight – to anamorphic fungi. The plant is reported as a new host for Phaeoseptoria airae and Septoriella junci. Five species were new for Lithuania: Amarenomyces ammophilae, Mycosphaerella lineolata, M. psammae, Phaeosphaeria marram, P. vagans. These fungi are described, illustrated and briefly discussed. Taxonomical notes for some species are provided.

Keywords: Uredinales, ascomycetes, anamorphic fungi, distribution.

Tolyposporium junci (J. Schröt.) Woronin is reported for the first time for Belarus. The fungus was found on a specimen of Juncus bufonius L. stored in the herbarium of vascular plants of the M. G. Kholodny Institute of Botany (KW). This fungus specimen is described and illustrated here.

Keywords: Tolyposporium, smut fungi, Juncus, Belarus.

Occurrence of Lemna turionifera Landolt on the territory of Lithuania was first confirmed in two samples of free-floating plants collected in 2010. Localities of the samples in the north-east and south of the country as well as differential characters of L. turionifera, L. minor, L. gibba and L. minuta species are presented.

Keywords: aquatic macrophytes, Lemna turionifera, vascular plants, Lithuania.
