Results of investigations on species diversity and ecological peculiarities of fungi anf lichens carried out during 1994–1995 in 6 former Soviet military forestries in the greatest Lithuanian woods are presented in series of articles. Investigations were carried out in various phytocenoses. Distribution, substrate and habitat of each species were registered. The aim of the investigations was to study species diversity of fungi and lichens in the former Soviet military forestries, their distribution and ecological peculiarities as weel as concentration of trace elements in macromycetes and their substrate. Special attention was paid to rare and endangered fungi species, measures for their protection.
Keywords: military forestries, fungi, lichens, Lithuania.
Species composition and ecological peculiarities of agaricoid fungi (Agaricales s.l.) in the previous Soviet military forestries in Lithuania are presented. Investigations were carried out in 1994–1995. In total 455 species of agaricoid fungi were recorded in the investigated territories. Distribution, substrate and habitats of each species are determined.
Keywords: fungi, Agaricales s.l., species composition, ecology, military forestries, Lithuania
In 1995 four fungi species on 4 species of host plants were registered in Lithuania for the first time: Cercospora circumscissa Sacc. on Cerasus avium (L.) Moench, C. conyzae Sawada on Conyza canadensis (L.) Cronq., C. epilobii Schneider on Epilobium parviflorum Schreb., C. lysimachiae Ellis et Halst. Sacc. on Lysimachia vulgaris L.
Keywords: fungi, Cercospora, conidiophores, conidia, Lithuania
During the investigations carried out in 1990–1991 in sediments of the lake Drūkšiai 17 free amino acids were identified. The greatest amount of free amino acids was found in silt of deep-water sampling stations. The lowest amount of free amino acids was registrated in the zone of unloading canal. Neutral amino acids dominated, whereas amount of sulfur-containing and alkaline amino acids was low. A large amount of amino acids was in combinations. According to the quantity of irreplaceable amino acids the sediments of the lake Drūkščiai equate with sapropel. Constantly and in rather large quantities such amino acids as valine, threonine, serine, aspartic acid and dlutamic acid, which stimulate development of cyanobacteria, were found. In winter on the average 51 % of free amino acids decompose and from sediments pass into the water. Total amount of free amino acids in the fluid phase of sediments was 14 times larger then in epilimnion.
Keywords: lake sediments, free amino acids, lake Drūkšiai, Lithuania.
Famous Lithuanian plant physiologist, professor of Vilnius University Jonas Dagys (1906–1993) has collected private herbarium (1059 harbarium specimens), which was trasferred for keeping to WI in 1988. The herbarium includes three parts: 1) collection of algae, fungi and mosses – 37 specimens; 2) herbarium of vascular plants of Lithuania – 777 specimens; 3) harbarium of vascular plants from foreing countries – 245 specimens. Plants from 114 collecting-sites in 28 vascular plants of prof. J. Dagys. Specimens of 39 plant species recently included in the Red Data Book of Lithuania are presented in the collection.
Keywords: herbarium, vascular plants, flora, Lithuania.
Two marine hyphomycetes Asteromyces cruciatus and Orbimyces spevtabilis were found in the Baltic Sea foam. These temperate species are reported as new to Lithuania and are common in the sea foam.
Keywords: marine fungi, Hyphomycetes, Asteromyces cruciatus, Orbimyces spectabilis, Lithuania.
Data on the flowering of Lemna gibba and L. minor in Lithuania are presented. Flowering L. gibba was collected in 1936 and 1936, L. minor – in 1971, 1973 and 1995. The air temperature of those years was analysed, however, no clear relations between the flowering and air temperature were revealed. The flowering probably depends on microclimatic and ecological conditions of a habitat. The map of known localities where Lemna species flowered is presented.
Keywords: Lemnaceae, Lemna minor, L. gibba, flowering, Lithuania.