Head of Laboratory, Senior Researcher
Dr. Gražina Skridlaitė
Position Head of Laboratory, Senior Researcher
Department Laboratory of Bedrock Geology
Room 535b, 108, 109
Contacts +370 5 210 4710, grazina.skridlaite@gamtc.lt
Prof. Dr. Habil. Saulius Šliaupa
Position Chief Researcher
Department Laboratory of Bedrock Geology
Room 535a
Contacts +370 5 210 4710, saulius.sliaupa@gamtc.lt
Dr. Anna Cichon-Pupienis
Position Researcher
Department Laboratory of Bedrock Geology
Room 607
Contacts anna.cichon-pupienis@gamtc.lt
Dr. Laurynas Šiliauskas
Position Senior Researcher
Department Laboratory of Bedrock Geology
Room 108, 109, 111
Contacts +370 5 210 4709, laurynas.siliauskas@gamtc.lt
Dr. Agnė Venckutė-Aleksienė
Position Researcher
Department Laboratory of Bedrock Geology
Room 534a
Contacts +370 5 210 4709, agne.aleksiene@gamtc.lt
Dr. Rimantas Petrošius
Position Engineer
Department Laboratory of Bedrock Geology
Room 108, 109
Contacts +370 5 210 4709, rimantas.petrosius@gamtc.lt
Dr. Gailė Žalūdienė
Position Engineer
Department Laboratory of Bedrock Geology
Room 534b
Contacts +370 5 210 4709, gaile.zaludiene@gamtc.lt
Olga Demina
Position PhD Student, Engineer
Department Laboratory of Bedrock Geology
Room 607
Contacts olga.demina@gamtc.lt
Nurlan Talibov
Position PhD Student
Department Laboratory of Bedrock Geology
Contacts nurlan.talibov@gamtc.lt
Dr. Darja Dankina
Position Researcher
Department Laboratory of Bedrock Geology
Room 534
Contacts darja.dankina@gamtc.lt