Ilona Jukonienė, Aurika Ričkienė, Zofija Sinkevičienė, Agnė Bagušinskaitė, Vita Monkuvienė, Sigita Dagienė, Judita Koreivienė. 2024. Šepeta. History of the lost mire – Vilnius: Nature Research Centre, 2024. 196 p.
ISBN 978-609-8255-38-6 (spausdintas)
ISBN 978-609-8255-39-3 (elektroninis)
Ričkienė, Aurika. 2024. Historical overview of the Šepeta raised bog investigations in the first half of the 20th century. Šepeta. History of the lost mire: 22–35. Vilnius.
Ričkienė, Aurika. 2024. Šepeta mire researchers affiliated with Agriculture Academy. Šepeta. History of the lost mire: 22–35. Vilnius.
Ričkienė, Aurika. 2024. Memoirs of Erikas Purvinas and Kazys Brundza about research into Šepeta and other bogs of Lithuania in the interwar and World War II years. Šepeta. History of the lost mire: 36–45. Vilnius.
Jukonienė, Ilona. 2024. The origin of the Lithuanian terms for raised bog surface formations. Šepeta. History of the lost mire: 46–54. Vilnius.
Koreivienė, Judita. 2024. Desmids of the Šepeta raised bog. Šepeta. History of the lost mire: 55–69. Vilnius.
Jukonienė, Ilona. 2024. The analysis of historical sources on the bryophytes of the Šepeta mire. Šepeta. History of the lost mire: 70–88. Vilnius.
Sinkevičienė, Zofija. 2024. Historical data on the vascular plant flora of the Šepeta mire. Šepeta. History of the lost mire: 89–111. Vilnius.
Bagušinskaitė, Agnė, Jukonienė, Ilona. 2024. Historical and current status of the glacial relic – dwarf birch (Betula nana L.) – in the Šepeta peatland. Šepeta. History of the lost mire: 112–125. Vilnius.
Sinkevičienė, Zofija, Monkuvienė, Vita. 2024. History of the Šepeta raised bog conversion into the exploited peatland area based on cartographic material. Šepeta. History of the lost mire: 126–136. Vilnius.
Jukonienė, Ilona, Bagušinskaitė, Agnė, Monkuvienė, Vita. 2024. The lost vegetation complexes of the Šepeta mire. Šepeta. History of the lost mire: 137–153. Vilnius.
Sinkevičienė, Zofija, Bagušinskaitė, Agnė, Jukonienė, Ilona. 2024. Overview of the vegetation on disused peat extraction sites of the Šepeta peatland. Šepeta. History of the lost mire: 153–164. Vilnius.
Dagienė, Sigita. 2024. Bibliography: Past and present of Šepeta. Šepeta. History of the lost mire: 165–195. Vilnius.