Research interests

Isolation and identification of invasive fungal microorganisms. Research on theirs population genetic structures using molecular and bioinformatic analyses: MEGA11: Molecular Evolution Genetic Analysis (Tamura, Stecher and Kumar, ver.11), GeneMapper (AppliedBiosystems ver. 3.7), CLC Main workbench (QIAGEN), Geneious (Biomatters Limited, ver. R9), Unipro UGENE: a unified bioinformatics toolkit (Okonechnikov, K, Golosova O, Fursov M, the UGENE team ver. 44.0), GENODIVE (v. 2.0b27) software R softaware packages: poppR (v. 2.9.3), adegenet (v. 2.1.7), vegan (v. 2.6-2), ggplot2 (v. 2.2.1), ggtree (v. 3.6.2), phytools (v. 1.2-0), iNEXT (v. 3.0.0).

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