Eel project researchProject leader: Dr. Linas Ložys
Division: Laboratory of Fish Ecology
Contracted by: Fisheries Service under the Ministry of Agriculture of the Republic of Lithuania
Investigation of fish stocks in the Curonian Lagoon and provision of recommendations for the reduction of bycatch of protected and non-commercial size fishProject leader: Dr. Linas Ložys
Division: Laboratory of Fish Ecology
Contracted by: Ministry of Environment of the Republic of Lithuania
On allocation of support according to the 2014-2016 programme for support to the Lithuanian beekeeping sectorProject leader: Dr. Laima Blažytė-Čereškienė
Division: Laboratory of Chemical and Behavioural Ecology
Contracted by: National Paying Agency under the Ministry of Agriculture of the Republic of Lithuania
Determination of fish migration routes in the Baltic Sea littoral zone and preparation of recommendations for the application of fishing regulatory measuresProject leader: Dr. Linas Ložys
Division: Laboratory of Fish Ecology
Contracted by: National Paying Agency under the Ministry of Agriculture of the Republic of Lithuania
Maintenance and renewal of Nature Research Centre’s field collections of national plant genetic resourcesProject leader: Dr. Juozas Labokas
Division: Laboratory of Economic Botany
Contracted by: Ministry of Environment of the Republic of Lithuania
Assessment of the impact of long-range pollution on the components of relatively natural ecosystemsProject leader: Dr. Daiva Patalauskaitė
Division: Laboratory of Flora and Geobotany
Contracted by: Environmental Protection Agency
Control of measures implemented under the project “Implementation of measures for the protection of rare species and regulation of abundance of invasive species”Project leader: Assoc. Prof. Dr. (HP) Linas Balčiauskas
Division: Laboratory of Mammalian Ecology
Contracted by: Ministry of Environment of the Republic of Lithuania
Establishment and diversity of a newly emerging cereal pathogen in the agroecosystem under the influence of changing climate and farming practicesProject leader: Dr. Algirdas Ivanauskas
Division: Laboratory of Plant Pathology
Contracted by: LAMMC Žemdirbystės institutas / Lithuanian Research Centre for Agriculture and Forestry, Institute of Agriculture
Source of funding: Research Council of Lithuania
Response and plasticity of different tree species and developing forest communities under the impact of climate change and other stressors (MIŠKOEKOKAITA)Project leader: Dr. Jurga Jankauskienė
Division: Laboratory of Plant Physiology
Title of the National Research Programme: Sustainability of Agro-, Forest and Water Ecosystems
Source of funding: Research Council of Lithuania
Investigation of the development of mixed blood infections transmitted by blood-sucking insects and their impact on the hostProject leader: Dr. Vaidas Palinauskas
Division: P. B. Šivickis Laboratory of Parasitology
Source of funding: Research Council of Lithuania