Internal factors of invasiveness of seed-borne alien plant species (INVAZYVUMO VEIKSNIAI)Project leader: Dr. Habil. Nijolė Anisimovienė
Division: Laboratory of Plant Physiology
Title of the National Research Programme: Ecosystems in Lithuania: Climate Change and Human Impact
Source of funding: Research Council of Lithuania
Establishment of the Joint Nature Research Centre (JNRC)Project leader: Dr. (HP) Dalius Butkauskas
Division: Laboratory of Molecular Ecology
Source of funding: European Union structural funds
Determination of the main paleoenvironmental conditions of the Quaternary warm periods and the cyclicity of their change (KVARTERAS)Project leader: Dr. Habil. Valentinas Baltrūnas
Division: Laboratory of Quaternary Research
Title of the National Research Programme: Ecosystems in Lithuania: Climate Change and Human Impact
Source of funding: Research Council of Lithuania
The impact of anthropogenic factors on the development of invasive species in the context of Holocene paleoecosystem development (PALEOANTROPOINVAZIJOS)Project leader: Dr. Miglė Stančikaitė
Division: Laboratory of Quaternary Research
Title of the National Research Programme: Ecosystems in Lithuania: Climate Change and Human Impact
Source of funding: Research Council of Lithuania
Chronology of Lithuanian Quaternary paleoclimatic events and interregional correlationProject leader: Dr. Vaida Šeirienė
Division: Laboratory of Quaternary Research
Source of funding: Research Council of Lithuania
Hydrometeorological investigation of the Rėkyva peat deposit and analysis of the impact on deposit environmentProject leader: Doc. Dr. Julius Taminskas
Division: Laboratory of Climate and Water Research
Contracted by: AB Rėkyva
Services of assessment of the state of the coasts of the Curonian Lagoon and preparation of the programme for the management of the coasts of the Curonian LagoonProject leader: Dr. Gintautas Žilinskas
Division: Laboratory of Geoenvironmental Research
Contracted by: Ministry of Environment of the Republic of Lithuania
Geochemical assessment of bottom sediments of Šventoji State Seaport and seacoast investigationsProject leader: Dr. Kęstutis Jokšas
Division: Laboratory of Geoenvironmental Research
Contracted by: Lithuanian Energy Institute
Investigation of contamination f bottom sediments of Klaipėda State Seaport aquatic areaProject leader: Dr. Kęstutis Jokšas
Division: Laboratory of Geoenvironmental Research
Contracted by: Klaipėda State Seaport Authority
Dependence of adaptation of salmon and sea trout subpopulations on genotype under local conditionsProject leader: Dr. Saulius Stakėnas
Division: Laboratory of Fish Ecology
Source of funding: Research Council of Lithuania