Research interests

Morphological studies of the species of goldenrods (Solidago L.) growing in Lithuania, assessment of the impact of invasive goldenrods on local plant communities by analyzing field descriptions, transfer of characteristics of parental species to interspecific hybrids is studied by morphological and genetic analysis.

Annotation of the dissertation

Goldenrods (Solidago canadensis L. and S. gigantea Aiton) are native to North America. They started to be grown as decorative plants In Lithuania and other European countries. Eventually, these goldenrods began to spread uncontrollably in nature and displace native species by forming high dense grasslands. They are declared invasive species. In addition, the Canadian goldenrod occupies similar habitats to the native goldonrod species European goldenrod (S. virgaurea L.). It is not uncommon for S. virgaurea and S. canadensis to grow together and interbreed. The hybrid goldenrod (S. x niederederi Khek) resulting from this crossing can interbreed both with each other and with the parental species. As a result, the common goldenrod gene pool is threatened.

The aim of this work is to assess the impact of invasive goldenrods on native plant species and communities. The study compares the species composition and abundance of plants in the grasslands of the S. canadensis and S. gigantea and adjacent areas where these invasive plants are not present. Genetic research is also being carried out on native European and Canadian goldenrods and their hybrids.

  1. Karpavičienė B., Radušienė J, Viltrakytė J. 2015: Distribution of Two Invasive Goldenrod Species Solidago canadensis and S. gigantea in Lithuania,- Botanica Lithuanica, 21(2), 125 ̶ 132 p.

International scientific conferences:

  1. Karpavičienė, J. Danilovienė, R. Vykertaitė. Comparison of autotoxic effects of Solidago species. Open readings. Vilnius, 2019.

National scientific conferences:

  1. Viltrakytė, J. Radušienė, B. Karpavičienė. Geographical and ecological distribution of invasive goldenrod species in Lithuania. Poster presentation of the LMT project “Promotion of students’ scientific activity” at the reporting conference of students’ scientific practice, Vilnius, 2013.
  2. Viltrakytė, B. Karpavičienė. Studies on the distribution and potential of generative propagation of Solidago x niederederi. Oral presentation at the report conference of students’ scientific practice of the LMT project “Promotion of student scientific activity”, Vilnius, 2014.
  3. Danilovienė, R. Kuprienė. In vitro induction of organogenesis in Actinidia kolomikta Maxim. Oral presentation at the student scientific conference “Young Scientist 2017”, Kaunas, 2017.