The impacts of drivers induced by climate change and anthropogenic activities on the state and functioning of ecosystems, on services they provide and on sustainability of their resources (CLIMATE AND ECOSYSTEMS)

Objectives of the programme:

  1. Upon performance of investigations into the structure, functioning and dynamics of abiotic and biotic components of the Earth’s entrails, landscape and ecosystems, and the role of materials cycles and biodiversity in them, to accumulate and summarise data on Lithuania’ natural heritage by modelling scenarios and spelling out conditions ensuring its restoration and conservation for future generations
  2. To apply the OECD used DPSIR (drivers, pressures, state, impact and response) analytical model for the assessment of pressures induced by anthropogenic activities and climate change on Lithuania’s ecosystems and to model possible scenarios for ecosystem components, processes and cycles, seeking to create science-based measures ensuring the mitigation of such pressures, sustainability of ecosystem services and recovery of their resources.
  3. To raise public awareness about Lithuania’s nature, participate in ecological education and lifelong learning programmes, introduce ecosystemic approach to natural resources and nature services seeking to change human behaviour and environmental policy and thus ensure preservation of ecosystem services and resources for future generations, sustainability of their use in the country’s circular economy, mitigation of negative impact on Lithuania’s natural heritage and adaptation to global change.

