
  • 2023 m.

    Kazlauskas, M., Jurgelėnė, Ž., Šemčuk, S., Jokšas, K., Kazlauskienė, N., Montvydienė, D. 2023. Effect of graphene oxide on the uptake, translocation and toxicity of metal mixture to Lepidium sativum L. plants: Mitigation of metal phytotoxicity due to nanosorption. Chemosphere, 312: art. no. 137221.

  • 2021 m.

    Montvydienė, D., Jagminas, A., Jurgelėnė, Z., Kazlauskas, M., Butrimienė, R., Žukauskaitė, Z., Kazlauskienė, N. (2021) Toxicological effects of different-sized Co-Fe (CoFe2O4) nanoparticles on Lepidium sativum L.: towards better understanding of nanophytotoxicity. Ecotoxicology, 30 (2): 277–291.

  • 2020 m.

    Montvydienė, D., Šulčius, S., Jurgelėnė, Ž., Makaras, T., Kalcienė, V., Taraškevičius, R., Kazlauskas, M., Kazlauskienė, N. (2020) Contrasting ecotoxic effects of landfill leachate and cyanobacterial biomass on aquatic organisms. Water Air and Soil Pollution, 231 (7): art. no. 323.
