A brief account of distribution, phytoendemism and possible fossil ancestry of the members of the family Ranunculaceae is presented. Basing on observations of species distribution in natural habitats, studies of the herbarium specimens and published literature data on taxonomy, phytogeography, and economic botany, the checklist of Ranunculaceae occurring in Indian subcontinent has been prepared. The threats and phytoendemism are determined through field observations, reviewing the trade and use pattern, utilization, consulting the regional floristic works and through correspondence with different conservation agencies at national and international level. Evaluation of the present status of Ranunculaceae phytoendemism has also been made and compared with the previous works. In Indian subcontinent (comprising Bangladesh, Bhutan, Myanmar, Nepal, Pakistan, Sri Lanka and India) this family is moderately represented (49.31 % of the total taxa). The present paper deals with distribution, phytoendemism, possible fossil ancestry, potential threat to existing taxa and monitoring of species dynamics of Ranunculaceae in Indian subcontinent.
Keywords: Ranunculaceae, Indian subcontinent, distribution, phytoendemism, endemism, threats, fossil ancestry.
The study aimed to evaluate the distribution of 90Sr and its chemical analogue Ca in the system soil–underground plant part–aboveground plant part in dependence on plant species and their growth ecotope and compare accumulation and transfer of these elements in components of the above-mentioned system. 90Sr activity concentration and Ca concentration in the underground and aboveground parts of 6 plant species (Vaccinium myrtillus L., Calamagrostis arundinacea (L.) Roth., Hypericum perforatum L., Dactylis glomerata L., Calluna vulgaris (L.) Hull, Ledum palustre L.) and in the soil of their habitats were determined. The following evaluations were made: (1) the 90Sr and Ca transfer factors from soil to underground plant part and from underground to aboveground plant part; (2) the 90Sr/Ca discrimination factor between underground plant part and the soil and between aboveground and underground plant parts. The research revealed that transfer of 90Sr and Ca from soil to underground plant part and from underground to aboveground plant part in examined plants differs significantly. In many cases 90Sr was more intensively transferred than Ca to the underground and aboveground plant parts. Thus, 90Sr and Ca transfer in the soil–plant system and their metabolism in plant are not entirely analogous.
Keywords: 90Sr, Ca, transfer factor, 90Sr/Ca discrimination factor, activity concentration, plants.
Ascomycete species diversity was investigated on Carpinus betulus, which occurs in Lithuania at the north-eastern extreme of its distribution range. 75 species belonging to 54 genera and 13 orders are listed. Fifteen species are reported as new for Lithuania. Teleomorph and anamorph occurrences, host preference and distribution frequency are briefly discussed.
Keywords: Ascomycota, species diversity, checklist, European hornbeam.
Results of the inventory of lichens and allied fungi of Dusetos Forest Botanical-Zoological Preserve and Vasyna Nature Reserve (Sartai Regional Park, North-East Lithuania) are presented. 171 species (including 10 lichenicolous and 6 non-lichenized saprobic fungi) are reported from both protected territories. Four species are reported for the first time in Lithuania: Chaenotheca gracilenta, Melaspilea gibberulosa, Nectriopsis parmeliae, Schismatomma pericleum as well as one taxon ascribed to the Acremonium genus.
Keywords: lichens, lichenicolous fungi, saprobic non-lichenized ascomycetes, Lithuania, protected areas.
Plants of sneezeweed (Helenium L.) exhibiting symptoms characteristic of diseases: viral (plant stunting, flower breaking) and phytoplasmal (general yellows, flower virescence, phyllody) were collected for investigation. The causal agent of viral disease, Tomato ringspot nepovirus, was isolated and identified by the methods of test-plants and electron microscopy. The causal agent of phytoplasmal disease was detected in polymerase chain reactions (PCRs) using phytoplasma universal primer pairs P1/P7 and R16F2n/R16R2. The 1.2 kbp 16S rDNA product was subjected to single enzyme digestions with 10 different restriction endonucleases. Restriction fragment length polymorphism (RFLP) analysis revealed that sneezeweed plants were infected by phytoplasma belonging to group 16SrI (aster yellows phytoplasma group), subgroup I-A, which type strain is tomato big bud phytoplasma.
Keywords: Helenium, virus, phytoplasma, identification.
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