Botanica Lithuanica, Volume 3, Number 1

1997 m.

This paper begins a series of publications in which conspectus of all recorded alien plant species in Lithuania will be presented. Short outline of history of investigations on alien plant species in Lithuanian is given. In the conspectus data on the first record, distribution in the territory, habitats, means of immigration, level of naturalization and biological characteristics (life form, time of flovering, fructification) of each species are described.

Data on twenty two alien plant species belonging to 11 families of the Liliopsida class (except Poaceae family ) are presented. Among those species 15 are naturalized, 3 are casuals and the level of naturalization of 4 species is not clear.The majority of described plants are escaped from cultivation. One species – Alium rotundum –is excluded from the list of alien plant species of Lithuania.

Keywords: alien plant species, conspectus, Liliopsida, first record, distribution, naturalization, reproduction, Lithuania.

The investigations of two former soviet military areas in western Lithuania enabled to record 25 species of Myxomycetes. Among them 7 species were recored in Lithuania for the first time: Comatriha dictyospora, Diachea leucopodia, Diderma spumarioides, Didymium dubium, D. minus, Perichaena chrysosperma, Stemonitis smithii.

Keywords: Myxomycetes, Lithuania.

Species composition, host plants and distribution of Peronosporales fungi in the former military forestries in Lithuania are given in the paper, as well as their systematical and ecological analysis. Investigations were carried out in 1994–1995. Thirty Peronosporales species parasitizing on host plants of 33 species were determined. New localities of especially rare species Peronospora ochroleuca (on Turritis glabra), P. silenes (on Silene nutans), and P. rubi (on Rubus caesius) were registered. Cirsium oleraceum was registered for the first time in Lithuania as host plant of widespread species Bremia lactucae.

Keywords: Peronosporales, species composition, host plants, distribution, military forestries, Lithuania.

In the investigated six former Soviet military forestries 87 species of Sphaeropsidales fungi, inhabiting 73 host plant species were revealed. The richest in species genera were as follows: Septoria (32 species), Phyllosticta (17), Cytospora (11), Ascochyta (10). 43 fungi species were new to Lithuania. New host plants were revealed, e.g. Septoria convolvuli was found on Calystegia sepium, Ascochyta githaginis – on Cerastium holosteoides. Rare in Lithuania and in whole Europe species Ascochyta euonymus, A. githaginis and Septoria dimera were found. Military areas differed in fungi species number: 41 species in Pabradė military forestry, 36 in Kazlų Rūda, 25 in Gaižiūnai, 14 in Kairiai, 7 Nemirseta and 5 in Rūdininkai. It is notable that in Pabradė military forestry, Phyllosticta curenta strongly injured Polygonatum odortum,. In Kazlų Rūda Septoria rubi strongly displayed itself on Rubus idaeus.

Keywords: fungi, Sphaeropsidales, military forestries, Lithuania.

Forty two species of Melanconiales fungi belonging to 26 genera and inhabiting more than 30 species of host plants were revealed in the investigated former Soviet military areas. Most of fungi species were found on woody plants. Thirteen Melanconiales are reported for the first time in Lithuania. Species composition of these fungi varied in different military grounds in species number, diversity and the display intensity. Piggotia coryli (on Corylus avellana in Kairiai), Marssonia chamaenerii (on Epilobium angustifolium), Phloeospora tremulae (on Populus tremula), Gloeosporium saponariae (on Saponaria officinalis in Pabradė), Coryneum umbonatum (on Qercus robur in Kazlų Rūda) and Asteroma cylindrospermum (on Alnus glutinosa in Nemirseta) were noted as especially aggressive. Five species were noted in all investigated territories: Discula umbrinella (on Quercus robur), D. betulina, Coryneum brahyurum, Melanconium bicolor (on Betula pendula) and Asteroma padi (on Padus avium).These species are widespread and common in whole territory of Lithuania.

Keywords: fungi, Melanconiales, military forestries, Lithuania.

The phytoplankton of the River Šešupė and its tributaries was investigated in 1970–1992. Totally 197 taxa were recorded in the investigated streams. In the phytoplancton dominated diatoms (Bacillariophyceaea) and green algae (Chlorophyceae); they comprised 54 % and 30 % of all recorded taxa, respectively.

Keywords: phytoplankton,species composition, the River Šešupė basin, Lithuania.

Sherardia arvensis is a very rare plant in Lithuania. It was found in 4 Localities but since 1957 this species has not been recorded in the territory. In 1996 Sherardia arvensis was re-discovered in long-fallow land near Birštonas (Prienai district).

Keywords: Rubiaceae, Sherardia arvensis, distribution, Lithuania.

Thalloid liverworts Riccia canaliculata was firs found in Lithuania in 1995 in the Tauragė district (Viešvilė strict nature reserve). The locality of this species was investigated repeatedly in May, 1996. R. canaliculata was found in small marches (1–8 m2), located in damp sedge birch grove. At the silty edges of the marches it was especially abundant. Peculiarities of this plant in Lithuania are described. Specimens of R. canaliculata are deposited at the Herbarium of Vilnius University (WU).

Keywords: liverworts, Riccia canaliculata, Lithuania.

Three new to Lithuania species of the genus Diploceras (Sacc.) Died. (Coelomycetes) are described: D. hypericinum (Ces.) Died., D. kriegerianum (Bres.) Nag Raj, D. parasiticum (Dearn. Et House) Nag Raj. First species is rsther frequent in the country, the others two are rare.

Keywords: Coelomycetes, Diploceras hypericinum, D. kriegerianum, D. parasiticum, Lithuania.

A complex of natural vegetation (abaout 0,5 ha) with a remained monumental standard meadow fragments distinguishing in high botanical diversity was found in acultivated (about 50 %) area in the western part of Pakaniavis village (Varėna district). Most rare plants growing there are species of limited distribution included in Red Data Book of Lithuania, i.e.: Arnica montana, Gladiolus imbricatus, Gymnadenia conopsea, Orhis mascula.Rather small area was saturated with different species. Besides, among enumared ones there were foundsuch species as Cirsium rivuale, Epipactis palustris, Dactylorhiza incarnata, Polemonium caeruleum, Thalictrum aquilegifolium, Valeriana officinalis, Iris pseudacorus, Betonica officinalis and many others. This microarea needs an exceptional protection and preservation becouse it is a natural unique with a high botanical diversity.

Keywords: microarea, botanical diversity, protectin, Red Data Book, Lithuania.
