This paper continues publication of the conspectus of alien plant species recorded in Lithuania. The Chenopodiaceae family in Lithuania contains 23 alien plant species. Data on the first record, distribution, habitats, level of naturalization, means of immigration, and biology (time of flowering, fructification, and reproduction) of each species are presented. Seven here described alien species are naturalized and 16 are casuals. Distribution of six species is mapped. Four species (Corispermum declinatum, Corispermum intermedium, Chenopodium ficifolium, and Polycnemum arvense) are excluded from the list of alien plant species.
Keywords: alien plant species, conspectus, Chenopodiaceae, distribution, naturalization, reproduction, Lithuania.
Variability and distribution of wild oat (Avena fatua L.) in south-western part of Lithuania are presented. In the material analysed (20 populations) A. fatua var. fatua constituted 1.6 % of plants, A. fatua var. intermedia – 13.1 %, A. fatua var. glabrata – 18.8 %, and A. fatua var. vilis – 66.5 % of plants. Decrease in the occurrence of A. fatua var. fatua is discussed.
Keywords: Avena fatua, variability, distribution, weeds, Lithuania.
J. Pipinys is known as an investigator of bryophytes of fens and meadows in Eastern Lithuania (82 species were ascertained). In 1997–1998 previously unknown J. Pipinys collection of bryophytes (582 specimens of 173 species) was revised and transferred for keeping to BILAS. Specimens were collected in 25 administrative districts, but the richest collections seemed to be from eastern Lithuania (230 specimens) and from Kaunas dam flooded area (150 specimens). Specimens of some rare species (Bartramia ithyphylla, Bryum schleicheri, Lophozia rutheana, Fontinalis hypnoides, Jungermania gracillima) are of high importance. A list of all specimens of J. Pipinys collection of bryophytes is presented.
Keywords: Lithuania, herbarium, bryophytes, collection.
Briza media L. plants were exposed to combinations of gaseous pollutants and wet nitrogen mist. Gaseous pollution treatments resulted in substantial changes in plant weights. There was an increase in Briza media growth at both the 10 ppb SO2 + l0 ppb NO2 and the 20 ppb SO2 + 20 ppb NO2 treatments compared to the plants exposed to charcoal filtered air and the 40 ppb SO2 + 40 ppb NO2 treatment. Wet nitrogen applied in the range of 20–60 kg N ha-1 yr-1 did not show any influence on tillering, fresh and dry weights of total plants or their separate parts. Through all harvests there were interactions between the two types of pollutants on fresh weights and leaf areas of Briza media. Interaction of pollutants on dry weights of total plant and its separate parts appeared only at 14th week harvest and were similar to subsequent 12th week effects. Wet nitrogen increased the stimulatory effects of 10 ppb SO2 + 10 ppb NO2: or 20 ppb NO2+ 20 ppb SO2 on weights
Keywords: nitrogen dioxide, sulphur dioxide, ammonium ni1rtl1e, Briza media, grasses, growth.
The paper is dedicated to Professor Constantin Regel on the occasion of his 11Oth anniversary of birth and 30th anniversary of death. Together with other botanists Prof. C. Regel was developing the botany science in Lithuanian University in 1922–1940. His scientific and pedagogical heritage is still important. The paper consists of two parts. In the first part the biography of C. Regel is described basing on the literature, memoirs, and archival documents. In the second part the material about his scientific activity is presented referring on the analysis of his publications. The aim of the paper is to portray the life of Prof. C. Regel and to evaluate his scientific heritage as well to show his characteristic features as of the specialist in phytogeography and phytosociology. The paper includes the list of Prof. C. Regel’s works.
Keywords: C. Regel, biography, scientific activity, bibliography.
The present paper is the first in a series of publications dealing with coelomycetous (Sphaeropsidales order) fungi of Lithuania. 33 Phomopsis species from 43 host plants have been identified in Lithuania so far. They have been mostly found on woody host plants. P. oncostoma, P. occulta, P. ramaelis, and P. revellens are common’
Keywords: Coelomycetes, Phomopsis, teleomorph, host plants Lithuania.
Microsphaera russellii on Oxalis rosea, O. stricta, and O. tuberosa is new on these hosts for Lithuania. These collections are described, illustrated, and briefly discussed.
Keywords: Microsphaera russellii, Oxalis, Lithuania.
Septoria linicola is reported as a new species of Coelomycetes to Lithuania. This species was found on Linum usitatissimum in Šakiai and Ukmergė districts. In both cases S. linicola injured cultivars of flax that have been newly introduced in Lithuania. Map of distribution of S. linicola in Lithuania is presented.
Keywords: Septoria linicola, Linum, distribution, Lithuania.
Only one Splachnaceae species – Sliachnum ampullaceum has been known in Lithuania so far. In 1999 during the revision of previously (1985) collected but not identified specimens one more species of this family Tayloria tenuis was ascertained. The species was found in northwestern Lithuania (Plungė district) on decaying wood. The specimen is deposited in the Herbarium of the Institute of Botany (BILAS).
Keywords: Splachnaceae, Tayloria tenuis, Lithuania.
The aim of the present study was to check if there were any changes in radial increment of damaged spruce after wounding. For that purpose 47 spruces with extraction wounds and 40 spruces with bark stripping wounds were cut and dissected. Their radial increments were measured for the period of 5 years prior to the injury and 5 years post injury. Both data sets were compared using t-test. The results showed negligible impact of both types of mechanical injury on radial growth of Norway spruce.
Keywords: wounds, radial increment, spruce.
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