Botanica Lithuanica, Volume 7, Number 2

2001 m.

Institute of Botany has developed a strategic action plan according to the methods for strategical planning. Long-term strategical aims of action were singled out in the spheres of applied research work, applied activity, studies and training of scientists as well as renovation of both the scientific equipment and experimental research station. The Institute motivates a necessity to implement one programme – botanical and mycobiota diversity in Lithuania, consisting of three subprogrammes. Every subprogramme has its goals, long-term (10–15 years), average duration (up to 5 years), and short-term tasks to accomplish these aims. The necessary means of work and evaluation criteria are defined. The budget of the programme necessary to carry out these goals and tasks concludes the plan. Organisational measures for the improvement of the Institute’s administration as well as relations with the governmental and economy structures are foreseen. The strategic action plan of the Institute of Botany is presented to the Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Lithuania, the Department of Science and Studies, the commission of experts analysing the Institute’s activity, and the Science Council of Lithuania.

Keywords: botany, development, strategy, Lithuania.

Problems of syntaxonomic position of communities formed by Carex elata All. s. 1. subspecies in Lithuania are discussed. Communities are analysed on the basis of species composition and ecological conditions of their habitats. The communities of Caricetum elatae W. Koch 1926 association formed by two subspecies of C. elata s. 1. are compared with nomenclatural type and communities from Czech Republic and Germany. Tables of geobotanical releves of communities formed by C. elata subsp. elata and C. elata subsp. omskiana and their distribution maps are presented.

Keywords: Carex elata, subspecies, communities, syntaxonomy, distribution, Lithuania.

In 1995 experimental plants were planted on Kauno Marios Reservoir banks to protect them against abrasion. Four different Salix L. species were used for vegetative propagation. Cuttings of Salix viminalis L. were chosen in order to evaluate methods of vegetative propagation with regard to influencing factors, to determine the growth of aboveground and underground parts of cuttings. Comparison of vegetative propagation methods was made applying the Tukey HSD test. Linear multiple regression with forward selection was applied to obtain regression equations. Linear canonical ordination method – redundancy analysis (RDA) – was used to obtain general view of growth variation applying various methods of vegetative propagation.

Keywords: Salix viminalis, vegetative propagation, cuttings, redundancy analysis.

Nicotinic and para-aminobenzoic acids influence the succession of phytoplankton in the bioassays with late spring phytoplanktocenosis. Attempting to confirm these data various experimental bioassays were carried out with late summer phytoplanktocenosis under different trophic conditions. After enriching the water with these vitamins, changes in structural and functional effects of phytoplankton and concentration of vitamins in water occurred on the 2nd and 4th days. Nicotinic and para-aminobenzoic acids influenced the increase of green algae, the number of algae species, as well as phytoplankton photosynthesis intensity, and biomass. Para-aminobenzoic acid influenced the abundance of diatoms, too. In the course of research period a high reduction of the concentrations of nicotinic, para-aminobenzoic acids, and vitamin B12 in water were observed. The data of the experiment confirm the assumption, that nicotinic and para-aminobenzoic acids together and in a combination with vitamin B12 influence the succession of phytoplankton; the degree of influence depends upon the composition of algae and water eutrophication.

Keywords: phytoplankton, succession, vitamin, mesoinositol, biotin, pantothenic acid, thiamine, pyridoxine, nicotinic acid, para-aminobenzoic acid, vitamin B12.

This supplement to the list of myxomycetes of the Viešvilė Strict Nature Reserve includes 29 species obtained in moist chamber cultures. Data are provided on substrata and habitat; notes on ecology for some species are also presented. The following 11 species are new to Lithuania: Arcyria globosa, Comatricha longipila, Diderma effusum, Lamproderma scintillans, Macbrideola cornea, Oligonema cf. fulvum, Perichaena vermicularis, Physarum cf. bitectum, P. confertum, P. oblatum, and Stemonitis pallida. In total, 73 species and varieties are reported from the Reserve. Twenty species were collected from the bark of living trees; the most productive among them was Quercus robur. Eleven species sporulated on litter; litter cultures of more diverse composition were more productive as compared to litter consisting of leaf and herbaceous debris. Productivity of dung cultures was low; two species were obtained from dung of wild herbivores.

Keywords: Myxomycetes, slime moulds, moist chamber technique, Lithuania.

This paper lists species of pyrenomycetes and loculoascomycetes identified on oak. 74 species are reported. Majority of species were collected from wood and bark of dead branches. 22 species are new to Lithuania. Species distribution, host and substrate preference are discussed.

Keywords: pyrenomycetes, loculoascomycetes, oak, Lithuania.

Two species of the genus Najas – N. marina, rather frequent in the eastern and southern part, and very rare N. minor has been known in Lithuania so far. In 1998 Najas flexilis was found for the first time in Lithuania in Lake Sungardas (Ignalina district), growing together with Najas minor in the same habitat. The species composition of the communities with N. flexilis and N. minor is presented. Revision of the literature data and herbarium specimens revealed two localities of Najas flexilis (Lake Germantas, Telšiai district, 1966; Lake Sungardas, Ignalina district, 1998) and three localities of Najas minor (Lake Švenčius, Trakai district, 1822; Lake Skritelis, Zarasai district, 1961; Lake Sungardas, Ignalina district, 1998) in Lithuania.

Keywords: Najadaceae, Najasflexilis, Najas minor, distribution, Lithuania.

In 1999 Riccia ciliata was first recorded in Lithuania. All specimens were collected on arable fields and fallows from 13 localities in different parts of Lithuania. Some individuals of R. ciliata observed in Vilnius district disperse spores in August–September and after it thalli dies. All collected specimens are deposited in the Herbarium of the Institute of Botany (BILAS).

Keywords: Lithuania, liverworts, herbarium.

Results of testing the phenotypic variability among 15 Lithuanian cenopopulations, representing 7 different habitat types, are presented. Aiming to determine interpopulation variability the data were subjected to multivariate statistical analysis. The study revealed that the cenopopulations significantly differed in the majority of characters; however, some cenopopulations from different habitats were similar.

Keywords: Hypericum perforatum, cenopopulations, phenotype, variability, multivariate analysis.
