The arable fields and fallow lands were investigated in Lithuania with regard to their bryoflora. Mosses of 70 species were found. The data on seven new species of Lithuanian moss flora (Acaulon muticum, Dicranella staphyllina, Fissidens viridulus, Phascum floerkeanum, Pohlia camptotrachella, P. lescureana, and P. melanodon) occurring in these habitats are presented. The distribution, habitats, and ecology of the species are discussed, and accompanying bryophyte species are indicated.
Keywords: mosses, arable fields, fallows, Lithuania.
A number of mixed pine-oak forest communities distributed in Lithuania represent the Serratulo-Pinetum (W. Matuszkiewicz 1981) J. Matuszkiewicz 1988. The communities are described for the first time in Lithuania. From a dataset containing over 500 relevés of the Vaccinio-Piceetea class, 39 relevés of the Serratulo-Pinetum have been segregated with the help of COCKTAIL method included in the JUICE program. Structure, diversity, and distribution of the Serratulo-Pinetum woods are discussed in the paper.
Keywords: Vaccinio-Piceetea, Dicrano-Pinion, Serratulo-Pinetum, COCKTAIL, JUICE, Lithuania.
Glyceria lithuanica in the territory of nowadays Lithuania was first recorded in 1984. All earlier reports on the occurrence of this species were based on misidentified specimens of Glyceria striata. The holotype of Glyceria lithuanica, preserved in WI, is briefly described. Distribution of this species in Lithuania and neighbouring regions is discussed.
Keywords: Glyceria lithuanica, Poaceae, nomenclature, distribution, habitats, conservation, Lithuania.
Five species of the genus Dactylorhiza are confirmed by herbarium specimens in Kaliningrad region: D. incarnata, D. majalis, D. longifolia (= D. baltica), D. maculata, and D. fuchsii. One more species, D. traunsteineri, was known to grow in the region until 1940; however, recently it is not confirmed by herbarium specimens. Only two species – D. longifolia and D. incarnata – are quite common and distributed almost over the whole territory of the region. The north-eastern border of distribution of D. majalis and south-western border of distribution of D. longifolia cross the territory of Kaliningrad region and the neighbouring states. The taxonomy of species is discussed, and distribution maps, based on revised herbarium specimens, are presented in the paper.
Keywords: Dactylorhiza, diversity, distribution, Kaliningrad region, Russia.
Phytocenological and aboveground phytomass investigations on extensively used sown meadow communities (27–29 years of running) were carried out in 1998–2000 at Polyma Experimental Field Station (Utena region, Eastern Lithuania). The research results were compared with those obtained at the Station by other authors in 1972–1977. Diversity of vascular plant species increased from 11 species sown in 1971 to 114 species, recorded in 1998–2000; their phytocenotic role changed, phytocenotic diversity manifested itself in mosaics. Meadow communities of 27–29 years of running were ascribed to the Festucetum pratensis Soó 1938 association (11 facies were identified). Aboveground phytomass (1st harvest, dry weight mass) of the studied perennial sown meadow grasslands, established almost 30 years ago, varies within a large range: from 260 g/m2 in Festucetum pratensis fac. Potentilla anserina to 950 g/m2 in Festucetum pratensis fac. Ranunculus acris. The Festucetum pratensis typicum communities with an estimated cover of over 80 % of the studied meadow area produced up to 500 g/m2 of the aboveground phytomass.
Keywords: naturalisation, meadow communities, structure, aboveground phytomass, diversity, agricultural landscape, Eastern Lithuania.
Transboundary region in Marijampolė district is characterised by steadily growing anthropogenic press on nature. Aim of the work was to evaluate the present state of diversity of lichen and lichenicolous fungi in this territory. Six transects (7 km long and 10 m wide) and additional three areas along the Via Baltica highway in the segment between Marijampolė town and state border of Lithuania and Poland (about 45 km) were chosen for this purpose. In total 190 species and one variety of lichens and lichenicolous fungi were recorded during the study; it proves that transect method is appropriate for evaluation of lichen diversity in small and rather homogeneous area. Among the recorded species two lichens (Lecidea variegatula and Thelidium minutulum) and six lichenicolous fungi (Hobsonia christiansenii, Polycoccum peltigerae, Pronectria robergei, P. xanthoriae, Pseudorobillarda peltigerae, and Tremella ramalinae) were reported for the first time in Lithuania. Two lichen species of the Lithuanian Red Data Book were found: Phaeophyscia endophoenicea and Chaenotheca brachypoda. Both of them were recorded in small areas with relatively well-preserved natural vegetation, which shows the importance of biodiversity islands for survival of natural flora in a landscape under strong anthropogenic impact.
Keywords: lichens, lichenicolous fungi, transect method, biodiversity evaluation, Lithuania.
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