
  • 2025 m.

    Taura, L., Gudžinskas, Z. 2025. Effect of simulated autogamy and allogamy on the success of Cephalanthera longifolia and Cephalanthera rubra (Orchidaceae) fruit set. Diversity, 17 (1): art. no. 73.

  • 2025 m.

    Antonelli, A., Teisher, J.K., Smith, R.J., Ainsworth, A.M., Furci, G., Gaya, E., Gonçalves, S.C., Hawksworth, D.L., Larridon, I., Sessa, E.B., Simoes, A.R.G., Suz, L.M., Acedo, C., Aghayeva, D.N., Agorini, A.A., Al Harthy, L.S., Bacon, K.L., Chávez-Hernández, M.G., Colli-Silva, M., Crosier, J., Davey, A.H., Dhanjal-Adams, K., Eguia, P.Y., Eiserhardt, W.L., Forest, F., Gallagher, R.V., Gigot, G., Gomes-da-Silva, J., Govaerts, R.H.A., Grace, O.M., Gudžinskas, Z., Hailemikael, T.G., Ibadullayeva, S.J., Idohou, R., Marquez-Corro, J.I., Müller, S.P., Negrao, R., Ondo, I., Paton, A.J., Pellegrini, M.O.O., Penneys, D.S., Pironon, S., Rafidimanana, D.V., Ramnath-Budhram, R., Rasaminirina, F., Reiske, J.A., Sage, R.F., Salino, A., Silvestro, D., Simmonds, M.S.J., Gomez, M.S., Souza, J.L., Taura, L., Taylor, A., Vasco-Palacios, A.M., Vasques, D.T., Weigelt, P., Wieczorkowski, J.D., Williams, C. 2025. The 2030 Declaration on Scientific Plant and Fungal Collecting. Plants People Planet, 7 (1): 11–22.

  • 2024 m.

    Taura, L., Gudžinskas, Z. 2024. What factors determine the natural fruit set of Cephalanthera longifolia and Cephalanthera rubra? Diversity, 16 (6): art. no. 333.

  • 2022 m.

    Taura, L., Kamaitytė-Bukelskienė, L., Sinkevičienė, Z., Gudžinskas, Z. 2022. Study on the rare semiaquatic plant Elatine hydropiper (Elatinaceae) in Lithuania: population density, seed bank and conservation challenges. Frontiers in Bioscience-Landmark, 27 (5): art. no. 162.

  • 2022 m.

    Gudžinskas, Z., Taura, L. 2022. Do reproductive traits of invasive populations of Scotch broom, Cytisus scoparius (Fabaceae), outperform native populations? Plants, 11 (16): art. no. 2158.

  • 2021 m.

    Gudžinskas, Z., Taura, L. (2021) Scirpus radicans (Cyperaceae), a newly-discovered native species in Lithuania: population, habitats and threats. Biodiversity Data Journal, 9: art. no. e65674.

  • 2021 m.

    Gudžinskas, Z., Petrulaitis, L., Taura, L. (2021) Asclepias syriaca L. (Apocynaceae) and its invasiveness in the southern part of the Boreal region of Europe – evidence from Lithuania. Bioinvasions Records, 10 (2): 436–452.
