Vyriausiasis mokslo darbuotojas
Verbylaitė, R., Pliūra, A., Lygis, V., Suchockas, V., Jankauskienė, J., Labokas, J. 2023. Genetic diversity of five broadleaved tree species and its spatial distribution in self-regenerating stands. Forests, 14 (2): art. no. 281. https://doi.org/10.3390/f14020281
Pliūra, A., Bajerkevičienė, G., Labokas, J., Lygis, V., Jankauskienė, J., Suchockas, V., Verbylaitė, R. (2020) The effects of different combinations of simulated climate change-related stressors on juveniles of seven forest tree species grown as mono-species and mixed cultures. Baltic Forestry, 26 (1): art. no. 326. https://doi.org/10.46490/BF326
Pliūra, A., Jankauskienė, J., Bajerkevičienė, G., Lygis, V., Suchockas, V., Labokas, J., Verbylaitė, R. (2019) Response of juveniles of seven forest tree species and their populations to different combinations of simulated climate change-related stressors: spring-frost, heat, drought, increased UV radiation and ozone concentration under elevated CO2 level. Journal of Plant Research. 132 (6): 789-811. https://doi.org/10.1007/s10265-019-01146-2
Pliūra, A., Jankauskienė, J., Lygis, V., Suchockas, V., Bajerkevičienė, G., Verbylaitė, R. 2018. Response of juvenile progeny of seven forest tree species and their populations to simulated climate change-related stressors, heat, elevated humidity and drought. iForest-Biogeosciences and Forestry. 11: 374-388. https://doi.org/10.3832/ifor2340-011
Pliūra A., Jankauskienė J., Lygis V., Suchockas V., Bajerkevičienė G., Verbylaitė R. 2018. Response of juvenile progeny of seven forest tree species and their populations to simulated climate change-related stressors, heat, elevated humidity and drought. iForest-Biogeosciences and Forestry 11: 374–388. https://doi.org/10.3832/ifor2340-011
Suchockas V., Pliūra A., Labokas J., Lygis V., Dobrowolska D., Jankauskienė J. Verbylaitė R. 2018. Evaluation of early stage regeneration of forest communities following natural and human-caused disturbances in the transitional zone between temperate and hemiboreal forests. Baltic Forestry 24(1): 131–147.
Schoebel, C.N., Botella, L., Lygis, V., Rigling, D. (2017) Population genetic analysis of a parasitic mycovirus to infer the invasion history of its fungal host. Molecular Ecology. 26 (9): 2482-2497. https://doi.org/10.1111/mec.14048
Lygis, V., Prospero, S., Burokienė, D., Schoebel, C.N., Marčiulynienė, D., Norkutė, G., Rigling, D. (2017) Virulence of the invasive ash pathogen Hymenoscyphus fraxineus in old and recently established populations. Plant Pathology. 66 (5): 783-791. https://doi.org/10.1111/ppa.12635
Verbylaitė, R., Pliūra, A., Lygis, V., Suchockas, V., Jankauskienė, J., Labokas, J. (2017) Genetic diversity and its spatial distribution in self-regenerating Norway spruce and scots pine stands. Forests. 8 (12): art. no. 470. https://doi.org/10.3390/f8120470
Pliura A., Lygis V., Marčiulynienė D., Suchockas V., Bakys R. (2016) Genetic variation of Fraxinus excelsior half-sib families in response to ash dieback disease following simulated spring frost and summer drought treatments. iForest-Biogeosciences and Forestry. 9: 12-22. https://doi.org/10.3832/ifor1514-008
Motiejūnaitė J., Kutorga E., Kasparavičius J., Lygis V., Norkutė G. (2016) New records from Lithuania of fungi alien to Europe. Mycotaxon. 131 (1): 49-60. https://doi.org/10.5248/131.49
Tollefsrud M.M., Myking T., Sonstebo J.H., Lygis V., Hietala A.M., Heuertz M. (2016) Genetic structure in the northern range margins of common ash, Fraxinus excelsior L. PLOS ONE. 11 (12): e0167104. https://doi.org/10.1371/journal.pone.0167104
Pliura A., Lygis V., Marciulyniene D., Suchockas V., Bakys R. 2015. Genetic variation in susceptibility of Fraxinus excelsior half-sib families to Hymenoscyphus fraxineus following simulated spring frost and summer drought treatments. iForest – Biogeosciences and Forestry 9: 12–22. https://doi.org/10.3832/ifor1514-008
Burokienė, D., Prospero, S., Jung, E., Marčiulynienė, D., Moosbrugger, K., Norkutė, G., Rigling, D., Lygis, V., Schoebel, C.N. (2015) Genetic population structure of the invasive ash dieback pathogen Hymenoscyphus fraxineus in its expanding range. Biological Invasions. 17 (9): 2743-2756. https://doi.org/10.1007/s10530-015-0911-6
Jarašius L., Lygis V., Sendžikaitė J., Pakalnis R. (2015) Effect of different hydrological restoration measures in Akštumala raised bog damaged by peat harvesting activities. Baltic Forestry. 21 (2): 193-203.
Lygis, V., Bakys, R., Gustienė, A. ,Burokienė, D., Matelis, A., Vasaitis, R. (2014) Forest self-regeneration following clear-felling of dieback-affected Fraxinus excelsior : focus on ash. European Journal of Forest Research. 133 (3): 501-510. https://doi.org/10.1007/s10342-014-0780-z
Lygis V., Vasiliauskaitė I., Matelis A., Pliūra, A., Vasaitis, R. (2014) Fungi in living and dead stems and stumps of Pinus mugo on coastal dunes of the Baltic Sea. Plant Protection Science. 50 (4): 221-226.
Santini A., Ghelardini L., De Pace C., Desprez-Loustau M.L., Capretti P., Chandelier A., Cech T., Chira D., Diamandis S., Gaitnieks T., Hantula J., Holdenrieder O., Jankovsky L., Jung T., Jurc D., Kirisits T., Kunca A., Lygis V., Malecka M., Marçais B, Schmitz S., Schumacher J., Solheim H., Solla A., Szabò I., Tsopelas P., Vannini A., Vettraino A.M., Webber J., Woodward S., Stenlid J. 2013. Biogeographical patterns and determinants of invasion by forest pathogens in Europe. New Phytologist, 197 (1): 238–250. https://doi.org/10.1111/j.1469-8137.2012.04364.x
Lygis, V., Bakys, R., Burokienė, D., Vasiliauskaitė, I. (2012) Chondrostereum purpureum-based cControl of stump sprouting of seven hardwood species in Lithuania. Baltic forestry. 18 (1): 41–55.
Menkis, A., Lygis, V., Burokienė, D., Vasaitis, R. (2012) Establishment of Ectomycorrhiza-inoculated Pinus sylvestris Seedlings on coastal dunes following a forest fire. Baltic forestry. 18 (1): 33–40
Vasaitis, R., Lygis, V., Vasiliauskaitė, I., Vasiliauskas, A. (2012) Wound occlusion and decay in Picea abies stems. European journal of forest research. 131 (4): 1211–1216. https://doi.org/10.1007/s10342-011-0592-3
Pliūra, A., Lygis, V., Suchockas, V., Bartkevičius, E. (2011) Performance of twenty four European Fraxinus excelsior populations in three Lithuanian progeny trials with a special emphasis on resistance to Chalara fraxinea. Baltic forestry. 17 (1): 17–34.
Menkis, A., Bakys, R., Lygis, V., Vasaitis, R. (2011) Mycorrhization, establishment and growth of outplanted Picea abies seedlings produced under different cultivation systems. Silva Fennica. 45 (2): 283-289.
Lygis, V., Vasiliauskaitė, I., Stenlid, J., Vasaitis, R. (2010) Impact of forest fire on occurrence of Heterobasidion annosum s. s. root rot and other wood-inhabiting fungi in roots of Pinus mugo. Forestry. 83 (1): 83–92. https://doi.org/10.1093/forestry/cpp036