
  • 2024 m.

    Ričkienė, A., Sinkevičienė, Z., Bagušinskaitė, A., Jukonienė, I. 2024. The 1940 monograph that has preserved natural history records of the lost raised bog of Šepeta, Lithuania. Archives of Natural History, 51 (2): 253–272.

  • 2024 m.

    Jukonienė, I., Bagušinskaitė, A., Kalvaitienė, M., Ričkienė, A., Sinkevičienė, Z. 2024. The population of the Glacial relict Betula nana surviving anthropogenic pressure (the case of Šepeta peatland in Northeastern Lithuania). Diversity, 16 (9): art. no. 512.

  • 2024 m.

    Sinkevičienė, Z., Naugžemys, D., Butkuvienė, J. 2024. Molecular evidence for the origin of the little-known hybrid Potamogeton xvilnensis. Aquatic Botany, 195: art. no. 103808.

  • 2023 m.

    Sinkevičienė, Z., Kamaitytė-Bukelskienė, L., Petrulaitis, L., Gudžinskas, Z. 2023. Current distribution and conservation issues of aquatic plant species protected under Habitats Directive in Lithuania. Diversity, 15 (2): art. no. 185.

  • 2022 m.

    Butkuvienė, J., Kamaitytė-Bukelskienė, L., Naugžemys, D., Patamsytė, J., Sinkevičienė, Z. 2022. First records and molecular confirmation of invasive species Elodea nuttallii (Planch.) H.St.John, 1920 in Lithuania. Bioinvasions Records, 11 (4): 1019–1030.

  • 2022 m.

    Bobrov, A.A., Butkuvienė, J., Chemeris, E.V., Patamsytė, J., Lambertini, C., Aucina, A., Sinkevičienė, Z., Naugžemys, D. 2022. Extensive hybridization in Ranunculus section Batrachium (Ranunculaceae) in rivers of two postglacial landscapes of East Europe. Scientific Reports, 12 (1): art. no. 12088.

  • 2022 m.

    Taura, L., Kamaitytė-Bukelskienė, L., Sinkevičienė, Z., Gudžinskas, Z. 2022. Study on the rare semiaquatic plant Elatine hydropiper (Elatinaceae) in Lithuania: population density, seed bank and conservation challenges. Frontiers in Bioscience-Landmark, 27 (5): art. no. 162.

  • 2020 m.

    Landucci, F., Sumberova, K., Tich, L., Hennekens, S., Aunina, L., Bita-Nicolae, C., Borsukevych, L., Bobrov, A., Carni, A., De Bie, E., Golub, V., Hrivnak, R., Iemelianova, S., Jandt, U., Jansen, F., Kacki, Z., Lajer, K., Papastergiadou, E., Silc, U., Sinkevičienė, Z., Stancic, Z., Stepanovic, J., Teteryuk, B., Tzonev, R., Venanzoni, R., Zelnik, I., Chytr, M. (2020) Classification of the European marsh vegetation (Phragmito-Magnocaricetea) to the association level. Applied Vegetation Science, 23 (2): 297–316.

  • 2020 m.

    Butkuvienė, J., Sinkevičienė, Z., Naugžemys, D., Žvingila, D., Skridaila, A., Bobrov, A.A. (2020) Genetic diversity of aquatic Ranunculus (Batrachium, Ranunculaceae) in one river basin caused by hybridization. Plants-Basel, 9 (11): art. no. 1455.

  • 2019 m.

    Bučas, M., Sinkevičienė, Z., Kataržytė, M., Vaičiūtė, D., Petkuvienė, J., Stragauskaitė, V., Ilginė, R. (2019) How much can the occurrence and coverage of charophytes in an estuarine lagoon (Curonian Lagoon) be explained by environmental factors? Estuarine Coastal and Shelf Science. 216: 128-138.

  • 2019 m.

    Krokaitė, E., Shakeneva, D., Juškaitytė, E., Rekašius, T., Nemaniūtė-Gužienė, J., Butkuvienė, J., Patamsytė, J., Rančelienė, V., Vyšniauskienė, R., Duchovskienė, L., Jocienė, L., Sinkevičienė, Z., Naugžemys, D., Kleizaitė, V., Chmura, D., Anderson, N.O., Zvingila, D., Kupčinskienė, E. (2019) Nitrogen concentration of the aquatic plant species in relation to land cover type and other variables of the environment. Zemdirbyste-Agriculture. 106 (3): 203-212.

  • 2018 m.

    Butkuvienė, J., Sinkevičienė, Z., Naugžemys, D., Žvingila, D. (2018) Floristic structure of two Batrachium rich plant communities in relation to habitat conditions in rivers of Lithuania. Polish Journal of Ecology. 66 (1): 1-13.

  • 2018 m.

    Vyšniauskienė, R., Rančelienė, V., Naugžemys, D., Patamsytė, J., Sinkevičienė, Z., Butkuvienė, J., Žvingila, D. (2018) Genetic diversity of populations of Bidens genera invasive and native species in Lithuania. Žemdirbystė-Agriculture. 105 (2): 183-190.

  • 2017 m.

    Sinkevičienė, Z., Bučas, M., Ilginė, R., Vaičiutė, D., Kataržytė, M., Petkuvienė, J. (2017) Charophytes in the estuarine Curonian Lagoon: Have the changes in diversity, abundance and distribution occurred since the late 1940s? Oceanological and Hydrobiological Studies. 46 (2): 186-198.

  • 2017 m.

    Butkuvienė, J., Sinkevičienė, Z., Naugžemys, D., Patamsytė, J., Žvingila, D. (2017) Genetic diversity of Batrachium (Ranunculaceae) species reveals the necessity of their protection in Lithuanian privers. Aquatic Botany. 142: 61-70.

  • 2016 m.

    Bučas M., Šaškov A., Šiaulys A., Sinkevičienė Z. (2016) Assessment of a simple hydroacoustic system for the mapping of macrophytes in extremely shallow and turbid lagoon. Aquatic Botany. 134: 39-46.

  • 2015 m.

    Landucci, F., Šumberová, K., Řezníčková, M., Chytrý, M., Aunina, L., Biţă-Nicolae, C., Bobrov, A., Borsukevych, L., Brisse, H., Čarni, A., Csiky, J., Cvijanović, D., De Bie, E., De Ruffray, P., Dubyna, D., Dimopoulos, P., Dziuba, T., Fitz Patrick, Ú., Font, X., Gigante, D., Golub, V., Hennekens, S.M., Hrivnak, R., Iemelianova, S., Jandt, U., Jenackovic, D., Jansen, F., Kacki, Z., Lajer, K., Matulevičiūtė, D., Mesterhazy, A., Michalcova, D., Paal, J., Papastergiadou, E., Properzi, A., Radulovic, S., Rodwell, J.S., Schaminee, Joop, H.J., Silc, U., Sinkevičienė, Z., Stancic, Z., Stepanovich, J., Teteryuk, B., Tzonev, R., Venanzoni, R., Weekes, L., Willner, W. (2015) WetVegEurope: a database of aquatic and wetland vegetation of Europe. Phytocoenologia. 45 (1-2): 187-194.
