Investigation on the genus Epilobium in Lithuania during two periods is analysed. The first period starts from the beginning of botanical investigations in Lithuania till 1971; the second – from 1972 to 2009. The 4th volume of the monograph “Lietuvos TSR flora” [Flora of the Lithuanian SSR] published in 1971 completes the first period. The summarized data on the Epilobium genus is presented in the mentioned publication (Natkevičaitė-Ivanauskienė, 1971). The duration of the period and amount of the collected data are not proportional. The special investigations of the genus are efficient: the quantity and quality of information collected during several years of special research of the Epilobium genus exceeds the data of several decades of general flora and vegetation investigations. Separate species of the Epilobium genus are not equally examined recently. Detailed data in various aspects based on abundant material are published only about E. ciliatum. The amount of data about E. tetragonum is rather considerable but is not summarized yet. In spite of abundant total amount of the data on the Epilobium genus, the information about several species is still insufficient. There is some uncertainty about the occurrence of E. obscurum and survival of E. collinum in Lithuania. The monograph “Lietuvos TSR flora” is still a genuine and the only information source about the major part of the species from the Epilobium genus (E. hirsutum, E. montanum, E. palustre, E. parviflorum, E. roseum) in Lithuania. But despite this fact, the last 40 years period after publishing the mentioned monograph distinguishes by the appearance of new research directions.
Keywords: Lithuania, flora, investigations, Epilobium, distribution, habitats, communities.
Based on the results of the observations of rhododendrons at the Botanical Garden of Šiauliai University, this publication presents some relevant issues of the introduction of rhododendrons in Lithuania. Successful introduction and acclimatization of rhododendrons in climatic conditions of our country involves dealing with a number of problems, because these plants require specific conditions of acclimatization, cultivation and maintenance. If growing conditions are unfavourable, the vitality of rhododendrons rapidly declines leading to loses of ornamental properties; the plants become highly susceptible to diseases and pests. The obtained results allow drawing certain conclusions about the introduction of rhododendrons in Lithuania.
Keywords: rhododendrons, problems of introduction, climatic conditions, general condition, seasonal development.
Data on myxomycetes of the genera Amaurochaete and Brefeldia in Lithuania is presented. Three species are recorded for the country: Amaurochaete atra, A. tubulina, and Brefeldia maxima. Morphological characteristics are presented and illustrated, localities are mapped, and ecological peculiarities are discussed.
Keywords: slime molds, mycetozoans, morphology, distribution, ecology.
An annotated checklist of corticioid (Corticiaceae s.l.) fungi of Lithuania has been compiled on the basis of literature data, the revision of herbarium specimens and the data of personal observations. Data on substrate, hosts and species distribution are provided in the checklist. Total of 222 species are listed; 73 species are reported for the first time in Lithuania.
Keywords: Basidiomycota, Corticiaceae s.l., distribution, species diversity.
Species diversity and distribution of teleomorphic and anamorphic ascomycetes have been investigated on various parts of Fraxinus excelsior in Lithuania. In total,100 species from 64 genera of the teleomorphic ascomycetes plus 10 taxa identified at the generic level and 103 species from 89 genera of the anamorphic fungi and 8 taxa identified at the generic level are listed in the present paper. 56 species are reported for the first time in Lithuania. Teleomorph-anamorph occurrence, substrate preference, distribution frequency and negative impact on ash trees are briefly discussed.
Keywords: fungi, checklist, species diversity, substrate preference, ash.
Results of inventory of lichen-forming, lichenicolous and allied saprobic fungi of Dūkštos oak forest – one of the largest and oldest oak stands in Lithuania – are presented. Altogether 157 species (143 species of lichens, 6 lichenicolous and 8 non-lichenized saprobic fungi) are reported from the forest territory. One lichen species – Lecidea erythrophaea – is reported for the first time in Lithuania.
Keywords: lichens, lichenicolous fungi, Lithuania, protected areas.
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