Projekto Detect2Protect, S-BIODIVERSA-23-1, pirmasis naujienlaiškis

Gamtos tyrimų centro Ekotoksikologijos laboratorijos tyrėjai džiaugiasi galėdami pristatyti pirmąjį naujienlaiškį apie BIODIVERSOS+, nacionalinių finansavimo agentūrų ir Lietuvos mokslo tarybos finansuojamą projektą Detect2Protect, S-BIODIVERSA-23-1!!!

Dalijamės projekto koordinatoriaus Kari K. Lehtonen žinute, skirta Jums:

Dear Friend of the Baltic Sea,

as the coordinator of the Detect2Protect project, funded by BIODIVERSA+ and national funding agencies, I am proud to present the 1st Project Newsletter to you. The full title of the project tells something about the goals of the project (“New approaches in determining the impacts of chemical pollution to protect the biodiversity of the Baltic Sea”) and detailed information is available at the Detect2Protect – Biodiversa + website.

On behalf of the whole Detect2Protect consortium I very much hope you will enjoy reading the newsletter and find our work interesting. In case of questions please do not hesitate to turn to your national project partner (see website) or me.

Wishing you a beautiful Baltic Sea autumn,

Kari K. Lehtonen

Project Coordinator

BIODIVERSA+ Detect2Protect

D2P Newsletter No 1

