
  • 2024 m.

    Taura, L., Gudžinskas, Z. 2024. What factors determine the natural fruit set of Cephalanthera longifolia and Cephalanthera rubra? Diversity, 16 (6): art. no. 333.

  • 2022 m.

    Taura, L., Kamaitytė-Bukelskienė, L., Sinkevičienė, Z., Gudžinskas, Z. 2022. Study on the rare semiaquatic plant Elatine hydropiper (Elatinaceae) in Lithuania: population density, seed bank and conservation challenges. Frontiers in Bioscience-Landmark, 27 (5): art. no. 162.

  • 2022 m.

    Gudžinskas, Z., Taura, L. 2022. Do reproductive traits of invasive populations of Scotch broom, Cytisus scoparius (Fabaceae), outperform native populations? Plants, 11 (16): art. no. 2158.

  • 2021 m.

    Gudžinskas, Z., Taura, L. (2021) Scirpus radicans (Cyperaceae), a newly-discovered native species in Lithuania: population, habitats and threats. Biodiversity Data Journal, 9: art. no. e65674.

  • 2021 m.

    Gudžinskas, Z., Petrulaitis, L., Taura, L. (2021) Asclepias syriaca L. (Apocynaceae) and its invasiveness in the southern part of the Boreal region of Europe – evidence from Lithuania. Bioinvasions Records, 10 (2): 436–452.
